Education, career and lifestyle with cleft

Among the adults we spoke to, it was clear that having been born with a cleft lip and/or palate, they were not going to be held back in life. These adults were engaged in employment of their own choice and pursuing fulfilling careers and had enjoyed and benefitted from both further and higher education. In addition, they participated in sports and creative pursuits, made their own lifestyle choices and had a strong sense of identity.

The adults were also aware that their chosen career paths were occupations where they felt they were accepted as somebody with a visible difference. Popular career choices included education (from early years to higher), the healthcare professions and psychology-based careers. Careers such as these require good interpersonal skills and communication plays an important role and those we spoke to reported that these occupations increased their self-confidence and their ambition to be successful.

Iona’s school experience had tainted her self-confidence but it did not stop her from pursuing her chosen career in nursing.

Age at interview 19

Gender Female

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Gemma is set for a career in primary education and the experience has increased her self-confidence.

Age at interview 18

Gender Female

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Mary Z has been a secondary school teacher for 15 years and also holds a headship qualification.

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

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Others adults were self-employed or working within the arts. Elliott is a retail manager and manages staff as well as having daily face-face contact with members of the public. Alex wants to be a psychologist and Josh is planning a career in engineering.

Jon had had trained as an engineer and was interested in joining the Air Force but was prohibited because he had a cleft. He became an engineer in the oil industry but was not aware of any discrimination in this role. Jon now promotes arts events.

Age at interview 38

Gender Male

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Apart from career choices, individual pursuits included singing, making music and performing in public. On the sporting side, there people engaged in rock-climbing, swimming, and fencing. All the adults we spoke to said that these activities provide a confidence boost that helped in other areas of life.

Kendal was born with a cleft palate and is currently training to be a teacher. Although she wears hearing aids she used to play rugby and currently enjoys playing guitar and swimming.

Age at interview 24

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Josh was born with a cleft lip and palate, is studying for a BTEC in engineering and enjoys going to rock concerts. He has not felt held back in life.

Age at interview 17

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Since leaving school and going into further education Elliott has gained confidence and is now a retail manager.

Age at interview 20

Gender Male

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Social interaction and relationships

The adults we spoke to who were born with a cleft lip and/or palate had a variety of experiences when interacting with others. They talked...