School and work during and after cancer
Having cancer can be hugely disruptive to everyday life including schoolwork and other kinds of work. Here the young people interviewed talk about how their...
We asked those that we interviewed what messages or advice they would give to other young people who were newly diagnosed with cancer and facing treatment. Although having cancer can change your life many pointed out that (perhaps not surprisingly) it’s not always all bad. Those we interviewed met new, supportive, helpful and generally nice people, had some good positive experiences and frequently came out feeling a stronger person. Several people said that you’ll feel better if you try and stay positive. If a person can remain upbeat it also makes it easier for friends and family to cope. However, there will also be times when they feel scared and desperate and they should always be aware that they can talk to others about these feelings. Here are some of the other general observations about what people found helpful;
The young people we interviewed often offered advice about how to cope during treatment, particularly chemotherapy (also see ‘Chemotherapy’). The advice was that you should not dread the chemotherapy but should always stick with the idea that it is a treatment and it will do you good. It was also important to look after yourself, including trying to eat healthily, staying as strong and fit as possible and avoiding stress wherever possible.
It was repeatedly stressed how important it was to keep track of how well or ill you are feeling – but not to get obsessed by it. When in remission you need to be aware of what signs and symptoms of reoccurrence you should look out for and then act fast if you get any do occur, but at the same time you really, really need to get back to normal life.
Having cancer can be hugely disruptive to everyday life including schoolwork and other kinds of work. Here the young people interviewed talk about how their...
The young people we interviewed were asked whether they had any advice to give doctors and nurses, based on their experiences. The biggest issue was...