Viewing the body
Many people hear about their relative's death from police at their door or when friends or relatives phone with the terrible news. Most people we...
Sometimes body tissues from the victim of an accident can be used to help other people. If the deceased person has signed a donor card, is on the NHS donor register, or has otherwise left clear wishes, organ donation can go ahead. Relatives have no legal right to veto or overrule those wishes.
If a person is not carrying a card or is not on the register the next of kin or a friend of longstanding (the person who has been closest to the deceased in life) may still give their consent to donation.
Whether or not organs can be transplanted and which ones can be transplanted depends on several factors. If a person dies in hospital, and has been on a life support machine, the internal organs and other body tissue can usually be used for transplants.
Godfrey’s son Adrian died in intensive care after an accident at a railway station. Godfrey and his wife were glad that he was carrying a donor card, and approved of his wish to help others after his death.
Many people hear about their relative's death from police at their door or when friends or relatives phone with the terrible news. Most people we...
Telling others about a death is always difficult. After a sudden traumatic death this is even more difficult. Decisions have to be made about who...