Finding out about the death by suicide
Most of the people we talked to had learnt of the death from the police, and most found the police helpful and courteous. Usually people...
After the death of someone close to them, most people grieve and go through a period of mourning. Psychological reactions to bereavement vary between individuals as well as between cultures and ethnic groups. Reactions also vary in nature and intensity according to the type of lost relationship and according to the cause of death.
How people grieve is also affected by personality, age, gender, previous experience of loss and what support is available. However, certain aspects of grief are probably universal.
Bereavement is harrowing for most people, but a death by suicide can be particularly horrific and shocking (also see Finding out).
For more information on assisted dying see Dignity in Dying‘s website.
Some people we talked to said they felt quite numb after their loved one’s death by suicide. They could not believe it and found it hard to function.
Many people had quite a strong physical reaction when they heard the news that a friend or close relative might not live or had died suddenly due to suicide. One woman said that she found it hard to eat, lost weight, and found it hard to look after her everyday physical needs. Some found it hard to sleep. Others reacted in different ways.
Most of the people we talked to had learnt of the death from the police, and most found the police helpful and courteous. Usually people...
{media 33894} Some of the people we talked to had been bereaved quite recently. Kate lost a second daughter by suicide in 2007, only months...