Bereavement due to suicide: GPs and psychiatrists
When someone dies by suicide people often feel angry and may look for someone to blame. Health professionals sometimes become the focus for anger and...
Most of the people we talked to had learnt of the death from the police, and most found the police helpful and courteous. Usually people received this news at home, but one man found out about his sister’s death when he went to the police station because she was missing. Some people were expecting to hear bad news by the time the police arrived at the house. Others were utterly shocked (see First reactions).
People may have a little time to adjust to the possibility that someone they love may be dead or may be about to die. Ann’s friend was missing for a month before she was found by a man and his dog when walking in the fields.
Nina and her family had 3 days to say goodbye to Joe before he died in the intensive care unit.
When someone dies by suicide people often feel angry and may look for someone to blame. Health professionals sometimes become the focus for anger and...
After the death of someone close to them, most people grieve and go through a period of mourning. Psychological reactions to bereavement vary between individuals...