What people knew about the 100,000 Genomes project before taking part

We asked people whether they knew about the 100,000 Genomes Project before taking part. Awareness about genomics and the project itself varied. A few had seen leaflets or a poster in a hospital waiting room but most of the people we spoke with had not heard of the project before being invited to take part.

Before taking part Kay had not heard of the project, but now she is hearing more about it on social media and internet forums.

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

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A few, like Lucy X, Stuart and Rebecca, had heard or read about it in the news or through a support group they belonged to that worked to raise awareness of and support for their condition. However, even those who had heard of it only had a ‘vague’ understanding of what it was about. Rebecca had heard about it on BBC News – ‘they were trying to look for genes or something’ – but didn’t know what it was trying to achieve.

Lucy Y had heard whisperings about the 100,000 Genomes Project, and understood it was about improving medical treatments.

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

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Several people were interested in genetics and medical research. Some had worked in a medical profession or had family who had studied science or medicine.

Being a nurse, Emma took an interest in news about medicine and so knew about the project. But her family had never heard of it.

Age at interview 40

Gender Female

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Although Bart hadn’t heard of the project, his son works in science and he knows about the importance of genetic research.

Age at interview 61

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 60

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Stuart and his family have long been aware of genetic research through their involvement in a Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia support group. His family had been involved in other genetic research in the past.

Age at interview 52

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 37

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You can see more information about what genomic research is and what people wanted to know about the project elsewhere on this site.