Pauline – Interview 33

Pauline had three excisions, radiotherapy and tamoxifen. She had DCIS as well as invasive breast cancer.

Pauline was recalled after her first routine mammogram and was shocked that she would need more tests. She found having a biopsy painful and upsetting and had to go back to the hospital for another biopsy because the results had been inconclusive. Pauline was told that she could have DCIS but would need to have surgery for doctors to find out.

Pauline worried about going into hospital because she had never been before. She had a wide local excision and the results showed that she did not have DCIS. The calcifications on the mammogram had been benign but her doctor told her that she would need to have a check-up three months later, including another mammogram. This mammogram found DCIS and Pauline had a second excision. The results of this surgery showed that Pauline had also had some invasive breast cancer, but this was removed during the operation. However, another area of concern had also been found and Pauline had to have a third excision. She was also prescribed tamoxifen and, shortly after her third operation, had radiotherapy.

Pauline said she felt lucky that her cancer had been found and treated early and that she did not need to have a mastectomy. She found a lot of useful information on the internet and, and said joining a support group was helpful for both information and support.

Paulinewas interviewed for the Healthtalkonline website in 2004.

Pauline had three operations and, by the last one, felt calm beforehand and was very well…

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 51

Pauline wanted relevant information at each different stage of treatment. She got it from various…

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 51