Interview CP46

Low back pain since 1993. Pain management: In patient NHS pain management programme. Current medication: None

Found that voluntary work gave him new skills and was a steppingstone back into paid employment.

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

When he went back to work he contacted his Disability Employment Adviser and was assessed for…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Explained that it easy to get trapped in the NHS system and feels that acceptance is the key to…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Says pain and fatigue go hand in glove but feels that it is better not sleep during the day.

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Explains that making love takes planning and that good communication is important.

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Described how you get referred to a pain management programme and the difference between pain…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Explains how to work out a baseline of how long you can do something for before the pain increases.

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Explains that part of achieving a goal is problem solving which can involve asking others how…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Still panics for a moment when he gets a flare-up but now knows to manage it using ice packs,…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Says he is one of the lucky ones because he went on a pain management programme instead of having…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male

Had an MRI and was told he had degeneration in his spine and became frightened of moving which he…

Age at interview 49

Gender Male