Feelings about living with fibromyalgia
The people we spoke to reflected on the emotional impact fibromyalgia has had on their lives. Many talked about being forced to adjust plans for...
Family and friends were a great source of strength and support for many of the people we spoke to. Susan says about her family – ‘I don’t think I would have been able to cope without them.’
However, the effects of having fibromyalgia could also have a negative impact on relationships. People spoke about not being able to engage as much as they wanted with their children or grandchildren. Others talked about how having to now rely on support and help from others can be frustrating. Francis says fibromyalgia can turn families ‘upside down.’
Others talked about not feeling able to socialise with friends as much as they would have liked to, often having to cancel plans to meet up due to not feeling well enough, or not feeling able to commit to social occasions. Although people said their friends were often very understanding, others said that it could ‘test’ friendships.
Some of the people we talked to discussed the effect that having fibromyalgia has had on their sexual relationships. Sometimes sex was uncomfortable or could result in painful flare-ups.
Other people we spoke to were concerned about how having fibromyalgia might affect their ability to cope with starting a family.
The people we spoke to reflected on the emotional impact fibromyalgia has had on their lives. Many talked about being forced to adjust plans for...
We asked people if and how they got information about fibromyalgia. It was quite common for people to feel like they were just given a...