
Susan describes having experienced pains and swellings for about ten years. After her fibromyalgia diagnosis, she was referred to the pain clinic which she found very helpful. Her family have been a great support and her faith keeps her going.

Susan describes having experienced pains and swellings for about ten years. She had been a very active person and had initially thought the pain and swellings were simply a result of overdoing i. One day at work she describes suddenly starting to feel very unwell, like she was getting a 24-hour bu. Leaving work that day, what was normally a five-minute walk to the Tube station took Susan over half an hour, and she describes falling asleep on the train and missing her stop.

The following day, Susan made an appointment to see her GP and says she just broke dow as she was in such desperate pai. Several blood tests showed up nothing and over the next two years she went to see various specialists who initially wondered if she might have sarcoidosis (an inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body) or arthritis.

Susan describes struggling at work and eventually had to take five weeks off due to ill health. At the time she didn’t feel that her employers were sympathetic.

Susan describes her GP as being so empatheti and after another visit to see her, the GP suggested she see an occupational therapist. The occupational therapist examined her and told her that he thought she had fibromyalgia. Susan’s initial reaction was No, that thing is nasty, I don’t want i. The occupational therapist said she would need to see an arthritis specialist for a diagnosis.

The arthritis specialist confirmed that Susan did indeed have fibromyalgia, which Susan found surprising as fibromyalgia hadn’t been mentioned at previous visits. He suggested she take some tablets which she was reluctant to do. However, she describes him as being very hones and transparen when he said that there was no point in arranging another appointment as we can’t help yo.

Susan says that after she told her employer about her diagnosis, for the first time she saw empathy, real empath. However, she has since had to give up her work because of her deteriorating symptoms.

After her diagnosis, Susan was referred to the pain clinic and said … They taught me a great deal, how to help mysel. Her husband, children and mother-law have also been a great support – I don’t think I would have been able to cope without the. She also feels that her faith keeps her going.

Susan joined a fibromyalgia group on Facebook in the past. However, she didn’t feel it was what she needed and so left – explaining that I need positivit.

Her advice to other people with fibromyalgia would be to take each day as it come.

Over the years, Susan developed swellings in various parts of her body.

Age at interview 54

Age at diagnosis 48

Susan thinks her greatest tablet is her family.

Age at interview 54

Age at diagnosis 48

One day at work Susan describes suddenly starting to feel very unwell, like she was getting a 24-hour bug.

Age at interview 54

Age at diagnosis 48

Susan describes the specialist she saw as being very honest and transparent.

Age at interview 54

Age at diagnosis 48