Humour and jokes about epilepsy
Many young people we spoke with talked about humour as an important way for them and their friends and families to deal with epilepsy, to...
Here young people talk about what had helped them with living with epilepsy;
They also pass on their key messages to other young people.
For many, friends and family were the most important source of practical and emotional support. Going to clinics together, getting lifts from people and being with people they trusted when going out, travelling and doing sport were things many people liked to do with friends or family. Emotional support was also invaluable to young people; having a shoulder to cry on, someone to cheer them up and someone who appreciated and supported them in what they were going through (see ‘Friends’ and ‘Parents and family’.)
Many young people actively used web forums and warmly recommended them to others (they also have pages on Facebook). People used the forums to share information, experiences of seizures, treatments and other aspects of living with epilepsy, but also to socialise, spend time with others and chat about things other than epilepsy. People said the webforums were great because almost everyone there has epilepsy themselves so can appreciate what others are going through. One woman said it was great not to have to always explain herself from the start because others on the forum already knew what she was talking about.
One of the main benefits of forums was their availability – the forums are always there to be used when and where people wanted. They could join in the discussion threads relevant to them and ignore the others. Some said that people are honest and open on the forums. They felt that they could be honest because they were anonymous and that they could trust others to tell the truth about their experiences of living with epilepsy.
In addition to the forums, many had used epilepsy charity websites to search for reliable information.
A few people had been to support groups for people with epilepsy, either on a one off-visit or more regularly. We also spoke to a couple of people who were actively involved in running a support group or fundraising. They said support groups were good sources of information and, like the web forums, sources of emotional support from others who could appreciate their experiences.
Some young people we spoke with had never met or spoken with anyone else who had epilepsy and said it would be interesting to meet others. People said they’d like to hear others’ experiences of, for example, medication side effects, depression, and memory problems. Quite a few people would’ve liked to have gone to a support group but there wasn’t one in their area or one particularly aimed at young people.
Many were not particularly interested in meeting others face to face but said that support groups are good for those who want to go. People said they’d only want to go if they were genuinely interested in the activities they organised and if others attending were of a similar age.
A couple of people had gone to a support group for a while but had stopped going because they were the only young people there or because seeing others who were more ill and severely affected by epilepsy made them feel bleak and uncomfortable.
Some people also talked about the training they had received to get more information, learn about managing epilepsy and their lifestyles, and to meet others with long-term health conditions.
Some young people had received a lot of help and support from health professionals and felt they didn’t need extra support from organisations or peers. People especially praised their epilepsy nurses and many felt at ease talking about things like sex, contraception and alcohol with their nurses (see ‘Experiences of health care services and professionals’). Most of those studying at university got a lot of practical help and support from the disability office (see ‘College and university’).
Quite a few people had received counselling to talk about their thoughts and feelings about epilepsy. Anxiety and depression were common reasons for getting counselling. People’s experiences were mixed. Some had found talking to a counsellor useful, others had learnt helpful relaxation techniques, for example, but many felt counselling hadn’t helped them much. One woman hadn’t been happy with the psychologists she’d been to see and pointed out how important it was to get on well with the counsellor (see ‘Anxiety and depression’).
Some people felt that they didn’t need or want much support and said what had helped them get through difficult experiences were time and their own attitudes and personality.
Here are the key messages that the young people we spoke with wanted to pass on to other young people who have just been diagnosed with epilepsy or are living with it.
Many young people we spoke with talked about humour as an important way for them and their friends and families to deal with epilepsy, to...