Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer
Testicular cancer is now highly curable, especially if diagnosed in good time. Some men we interviewed looked for lumps, having been encouraged to examine themselves...
The survival rate for testicular cancer is exceptionally good. Most men can now be completely cured, even if the cancer has spread beyond the testicle. However, some types of tumour spread more rapidly than others, so it is important that men seek help as quickly as possible. If the tumour is Stage 1, completely contained within the testicle, treatment is easier and less toxic than if the tumour has spread to other parts of the body.
Sometimes delay is caused by a man’s reluctance to visit his GP. It is known that there may be various ‘triggers’, such as pain, that encourage people to seek help, or reasons that prevent a rapid consultation, such as embarrassment, or denial.
Sometimes symptoms were unclear, and some men we interviewed delayed seeking help until their wives, girlfriends, or parents encouraged them to seek help (see ‘Signs and symptoms‘).
One man explained that he delayed seeking help for two years because he did not feel any pain, he felt fit and healthy, because it was hard to take time off work, and because it was an embarrassing problem.
Delay in reaching an urologist may also happen because of misdiagnosis by a GP. A number of men said that their GPs hadn’t referred them rapidly to an urologist because the diagnosis was difficult to make (also see ‘Signs and symptoms’). Some men we spoke to said they were given false reassurance by their GPs, even when a lump could be felt. The men felt they should trust their GPs and were reluctant to question their doctors’ judgements.
Testicular cancer is now highly curable, especially if diagnosed in good time. Some men we interviewed looked for lumps, having been encouraged to examine themselves...
To help to diagnose testicular cancer doctors recommend various investigations, including an ultrasound scan, x-rays and blood tests. The ultrasound test can often distinguish between...