What might go wrong when decisions are not shared?

As can been seen elsewhere on this site sometimes people prefer not to share decisions with their clinicians. In this section we look at what can go wrong when people want to be involved in sharing treatment decisions but it does not happen. Although there are various barriers, a common reason for failure is imperfect communication between patients and doctors.

Communication breakdown

In order to successfully share decisions, both the doctor and the patient need to be able to agree an agenda, voice their opinions, listen attentively and respect each other’s positions. Yet misunderstandings are common in the consultation, at least partly because patients often cannot understand what doctors are trying to say when they use big words and ‘medical jargon’.

She thinks that doctors have a language all of their own and forget that people might not…

Age at interview 50

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Age at diagnosis 45

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Newly qualified doctors use long and complicated medical words but his consultant is ‘really nice and talks to him in a clear way.

Age at interview 16

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Age at diagnosis 11

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He doesn’t always understand what the consultant is saying when talking to his mum during the consultation but afterwards his mother explains things to him.

Age at interview 15

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People found it hard to make decisions with their doctor when they felt their concerns or experiences were not taken into account. They were also unhappy when their doctor did not pay attention to their agenda, such as aspects of the disease or treatment which were impacting on their quality of life. For example, when a man who had Parkinson’s disease developed breathing problems because of his medication, he was unhappy that his doctor wanted him to stay on the treatment because it improved his tremor. Eventually the doctor took on board that he was less concerned about his tremor than his overall quality of life. This experience was also reported by patients with other life threatening conditions, such as HIV.

She was distressed about the side effects of her medication, but the doctor focused on the…

Age at interview 33

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 27

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Had side effects from taking methotrexate and wanted to stop taking it, but her consultant was…

Age at interview 21

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Age at diagnosis 12

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People need to have enough information, which is presented to them in a way that they can understand, in order to participate fully in sharing a decision. If they do not feel they have enough information, or they feel there are mixed or contradictory messages, this can affect how they will feel about accepting a decision.

With rare or complex conditions, it may be that the doctor is less expert on the condition than the patient. This was sometimes described in people’s encounters with generalist doctors, like their GP. In cases where the patient had undertaken research into their condition, some people described finding it difficult if they did not feel the doctor was interested in or listening to what they knew and had found out.

Ruth had to bring her GP information she found on the internet about treatment for Parkinsons…

Age at interview 56

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 47

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He thinks his GP’s knowledge of heart disease is very general.

Age at interview 35

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Age at diagnosis 35

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Theres a lack of awareness about MND. Their GP learns from them as the experts, but it can be frustrating to come across other staff with no knowledge. [Mike is unable to speak].

Age at interview 54

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 52

The relationship that patients and their caregivers have with health professionals is an important factor when it comes to making decisions. Sometimes people feel the way they are treated by their doctor, and his/her attitude towards them, either helps them to make decisions or stops them from being involved. For example, a woman who had been told that her unborn baby had a serious, life threatening condition was still trying to absorb this shocking news while the doctor seemed to be pressing her to make up her mind whether to end her pregnancy. She said the consultant was ‘not sympathetic or empathetic at all’. He wanted her to quickly decide on a termination, unhelpfully telling her she was young enough to have more children.

Doctors who appeared to dismiss people’s worries and concerns could leave them feeling unfairly treated. Some even suspected that their doctors doubted their account of their symptoms.

Natalia saw a consultant who did not take enough time to assess her condition. He dismissed her…

Age at interview 63

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 55

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Carers also reported feeling ignored and unhappy with the way they were treated. A man caring for his wife who had dementia said’ ‘Hospital staff were not taking any notice of what I wanted to say for and on behalf of my wife’.

Sometimes decisions are not shared because the doctor decides to take control and tells the patient what they should do. Some patients can find this helpful, particularly if they have just been given bad news about their health. (See ‘Different types of doctor patient relationships‘). However, other patients prefer to remain in control of decisions about their health even when the decisions are serious and difficult.

She decided to have a double mastectomy even though her doctors didnt think it was necessary.

Age at interview 68

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Age at diagnosis 59

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When people were not happy with the way the doctor dealt with them they handled it in different ways, either by accepting that was the way things were, choosing to see another health professional or, in rare cases, explaining to the doctor that this was not the way they wanted to be treated.

Zoe described her doctor as very rude and obnoxious. She felt lucky to be able to discuss her…

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 20

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Initially she did not have a good relationship with the consultant treating her lymphoma, but…

Age at interview 27

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 25

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Procedural issues

Other factors, out of the doctor or patient’s control, can make sharing decisions more difficult. These include procedural issues like appointments being cancelled, having to wait a long time before getting an appointment, rushed appointments, lack of time to make decisions, lack of continuity of care, or not being able to see a trusted health professional. Another procedural matter, which patients felt blocked their ability to make decisions, was when doctors were forced to stick to rigid protocols. Treatment that seemingly has to follow a strict protocol can upset patients, especially if they feel that they are not being listened to and their own experiences are not being taken into account.

He was frustrated that the pain clinic seemed to follow a set protocol for backs and didn’t…

Age at interview 43

Gender Male

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Contrasted with

She was impressed by the way her midwife discussed evidence with her about clamping the umbilical…

Age at interview 32

Gender Female

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Some patients also described feeling like they were on a set pathway or ‘conveyer belt’ and wishing for more time or opportunities to discuss things with the doctor.

She went along with the hip replacement that the hospital seemed to assume she would have but…

Age at interview 75

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She felt rushed into the decision to end her pregnancy (due to a foetal abnormality), but took back some control by deciding to allow the baby to be born alive.

Age at interview 31

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Sometimes people said that they had needed emotional support to help them come to terms with their options before they could engage in tough decisions. For example, a man with prostate cancer said he would have liked help from his surgeon to decide what to do after his diagnosis, but instead he got ‘no specific advice’ for himself. Another man with HIV was upset by blunt communication from his consultant but a counsellor helped him realise that he had treatment options.

He needed the support of a counsellor after he learned that his health was in serious decline. He…

Age at interview 38

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 24

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In the situation where it is thought that there is only one option available to treat the condition or illness, then the only decision to be made can be whether to have that treatment or not. This is a very important decision, but sometimes people do not perceive it as a ‘real’ choice. Occasionally however in this situation, another possibility may arise, as the couple below describe.

They were shocked when a nurse asked them, in a roundabout way, to consider turning off their son…

Age at interview 51

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When patients feel they have not been listened to, or if they disagree with their doctor’s advice, they may seek information from other sources (e.g. friends, family or the internet), decide to stop seeing their doctor or choose to make decisions about their treatment without professional help. For example, a woman with chronic pain decided to disregard her doctor’s advice to take painkillers and instead she chose to pay for the help of a chiropractor. However, if the patient feels abandoned and deprived of crucial support they may be reluctant to seek help on another occasion, which could have lasting consequences.

Di felt a bit alienated when she decided to go against her doctors advice to have an immediate…

Age at interview 52

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 52

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Oliver has learnt to trust his own instincts and to demand from the doctors all the information…

Age at interview 23

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People who feel they have been ‘bamboozled’ (as one woman put it) into having treatment without being given enough time to think about it and discuss the options can regret the decision for many years. A man who discovered, through a PSA test, that he had prostate cancer said that he bitterly regretted having the test – which was offered routinely and without much information – since it was so hard to know what to do about treatment.

He very much regrets having a PSA test without thinking about it and fully understanding the…

Age at interview 61

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She regrets having an operation on her back and not asking enough questions at the time.

Age at interview 56

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People do not always want to be involved in shared decision making with their doctors. For those who do, there are potential hurdles which may need to be overcome. These include difficulties with communication (for example people not feeling they have been listened to, or doctors using language which is not understandable to the patient or their family), or the patient feeling that the doctor does not have (or has not shared) enough information and options with them .If communication does break down it can impact on how people feel about the care they have received and can also potentially impact on their future experiences of seeking healthcare.