Interview 19
Hodgkins Disease diagnosed in 2004 after finding a lump in her neck. Eight cycles of ABVD chemotherapy put her into remission.
Civil Servant, cohabiting, no children. Ethnic background: White British.
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Hodgkins Disease diagnosed in 2004 after finding a lump in her neck. Eight cycles of ABVD chemotherapy put her into remission.
Civil Servant, cohabiting, no children. Ethnic background: White British.
Diagnosed with Mantle Cell non-Hodgkin's lymhoma in 1999 after a stranger pointed out a lump in his neck. Treated with chemotherapy, a stem cell transplant, and rituximab. In remission.
Retired IT manager in local government, married with four adult children. Ethnic background: White British.
Diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease in 1988 after night sweats and a lump in his neck, treated with radiotherapy. Recurrence treated with chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant. In remission.
Materials Manager, married with two children aged 17 and 10. Ethnic background: White British.
Diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease in 2002 after finding a lump on her neck. Chemotherapy damaged her lungs but also put her in remission. She has just completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy for a recurrence.
Head of corporate communications, married with one child aged 4. Ethnic background: White British.
Diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease in 1992 after finding a lump in his armpit. Treated with surgery and radiotherapy. Recurrence treated with chemotherapy and autologous and allogenic stem cell transplants. In remission.
Professional pilot, married with one child aged 7. Ethnic background: White English.