Interview AN08
Normal first pregnancy, routine screening experiences. Private care throughout pregnancy.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Mother – student, Father – student, Marital status Married.
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Normal first pregnancy, routine screening experiences. Private care throughout pregnancy.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Mother – student, Father – student, Marital status Married.
Third pregnancy, after two miscarriages. Nuchal translucency scan suggested problems; CVS ruled out Down's syndrome but heart problems identified by further scan. Baby born March 2003, successful surgery completed.
Children’ First baby, 8 months old, Occupation’ Mother – Home carer (formerly HR consultant), Father – HR Manager, Marital status Married.
Third pregnancy, after two miscarriages. Nuchal scan suggested problems; CVS ruled out Down's syndrome but heart problems identified by further scan. Baby born March 2003, successful surgery completed.
Children’ First baby, 11 months old, Occupation’ Mother – Home carer (formerly HR consultant), Father – HR Manager, Marital status Married.
4 months pregnant. Normal screening results. One scan in early pregnancy, no other scans planned. Alphafetoprotein results not yet received.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Lecturer, Marital status Married.
Hypoplastic left heart diagnosed after scan and amniocentesis at 25 weeks in second pregnancy. Decided to continue with the pregnancy. Son is now 2.
Children’ 2 (ages 4 and 2), Occupation’ Mother – teacher, Father – accountant, Marital status Living with partner.
Daughter born November 2000 with congenital heart problems not detected by antenatal screening, diagnosed when the baby was 10 weeks old. Corrective surgery at 11 months and 2 years.
Children’ three children, aged 8, 5 and 3 at time of interview, Occupation’ Mother – housewife, Father (age 38 at interview) – bus driver, Marital status Separated.
Second child born with Down's syndrome after low chance nuchal scan results, and nothing detected at 20-week scan. Home birth. Daughter now aged two.
Children 2 (aged 5 and 2), Occupation NCT teacher, Marital status Married.
Normal first pregnancy; screening carried out in US, before return to UK when 6 months pregnant. Declined amniocentesis (offered as standard). Compares US and UK.
Children’ One (age 14 months), Occupation’ Psychotherapist, Marital status Single.
1997 - nuchal scan and CVS confirmed Down's syndrome - decided to end the pregnancy. Has since had a healthy baby and is now pregnant again. Had CVS again.
Children’ 1 (age 6), Occupation’ Mother – full-time mother, Father – management consultant, Marital status Married.
Normal first pregnancy, routine screening experiences. Had to spend time in hospital late in pregnancy for investigation of bleeding.
Children’ First pregnancy, Occupation’ Mother – social researcher, Father – visual effects supervisor, Marital status Living with partner.