
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Interview 02

Had to have an emergency Caesarean section; used nipple shields for cracked nipples. Discusses the very early days including the milk coming in, trying to get a good latch, timing of feeds, and nighttime arrangements.

  • Background

    At the time of interview, this 34 year old, White British woman was breastfeeding her 15 day old daughter. A human factors engineer/ergonomist, she was married to an engineer.

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 01

    Long labour, emergency caesarean section. Cracked nipples. Baby fed constantly but failed to thrive. Discusses chiropractic sessions, supplemental bottles, early solids, and milk donation. Now enjoying breastfeeding.

  • Background

    At the time of interview, this 34 year old, single, White British woman was breastfeeding her 7 month old daughter. She was a support worker for social services.

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 40

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Information in the media influenced her decision. For MMR' Talking with friends who had children was helpful. Gathered information from the newspapers and the Internet.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one son, aged 20 months. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Illustrator, Father- Museum Director. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 39

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed recommendations from health professionals. For MMR' Read the leaflet given to them by their general practice and searched the Internet for information. Considered information in the media to be sensationalised. Talking to friends who had children was helpful.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one daughter, aged 19 months. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Marketing Consultant, Father- Charity Manager. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 38

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed the recommendations of the health professionals. MMR decisions Talked to their health visitor and a paediatrician and searched for information using the Internet, talked to friends in the USA, read articles in the media but it was talking to a health professional at Great Ormond Street that helped her to make her decision for both her children.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, two children, aged 5 years (daughter), aged 19 months (son). Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Housewife, Father- Business Advisor. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 37

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed recommendations of the health professionals. For MMR' Gathered information from the media, and talked to friends who were doctors. His own experience of working with children with learning difficulties informed their decision.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, Twins, 18 months old. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Barrister, Father- Teacher. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 36

    For all immunisations Her experience of working in a Child Health department helped her to make her decisions. Her midwife talked to her and gave her information leaflets, which also helped.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one daughter, aged 17 months. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Administrator, Father- Civil Servant. Ethnic background’ Bangladeshi.

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 35

    For all immunisations Her medical training and her experience of growing up in a third world country helped her to make decisions about her daughter's immunisations.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one daughter, aged 15 months. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Doctor, Father- Software manager. Ethnic background’ Latin American (Mother), Father (White-British).

  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 34

    For all immunisations Trusted and followed the advice of her Orthodox Jewish GP. Took in to account her parent's views and the fact she had immunisations as a child. Information from family and friends in the local community also influenced her decision.

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, 6 children. Sons aged 17, 10 and 5 years. Daughters aged 15, 12 and 3 years. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Sure Start Information Manager, Father- Teacher....

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 33

    For DTaP/IPV/Hib' Followed recommendations of health professionals. For MMR' She read an independent literature review published in a Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin on studies examining the link between autism and MMR, which helped her to make a decision

  • Background

    At time of interview’ married, one son, aged 17 months. Parent’s occupation’ Mother- Editor (Publishing), Father- Web Editor. Ethnic background’ White-British.

  • Sex/Gender Female