Interview 04
Diagnosed with leukaemia in July 2001; treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Teacher and youth community officer (retired); married, no children
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Diagnosed with leukaemia in July 2001; treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Teacher and youth community officer (retired); married, no children
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001, lumpectomy, followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Divorced, accounts manager (retired), 4 children
Diagnosed with a brain tumour and epilepsy in 2002. Had a craniotomy, followed by radiotherapy.
Married, lift engineer (retired), two children Treatment and diagnosis Diagnosed with a brain tumour and epilepsy in 2002. Had a craniotomy, followed by radiotherapy. Married,
Diagnosed with breast cancer in 2001, with secondary tumours in the brain, liver and hip. Treated with steroids, radiotherapy and tamoxifen.
Pharmacist (retired), married, 3 children
Breast cancer diagnosed in 1985 followed by lumpectomy and then mastectomy. In 1987 cancer was diagnosed in other breast, followed by lumpectomy. In 2002 metastases were found in liver, lungs and bones.
Ex-captain in the war office, housewife, married, three children,
Diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy in 2000.
Master in the Merchant Navy; married, 3 children
Diagnosed with cancer of the colon, followed by surgery to remove the tumour, then chemotherapy, including a clinical trial
Video retailer (retired); married, 4 children
Diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2002, followed by surgery and then chemotherapy.
Clerk (production control) (retired), married, 2 children
Diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2001, followed by a total colectomy (removal of the large intestine) 2002. Secondary tumours found in the liver in 2002, treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Industrial pipe fitter (retired), married, 2 childrena
Initial miscarriage followed by second pregnancy, when a scan revealed baby was affected by tuberous sclerosis. Late termination. Subsequent pregnancy by donor insemination led to birth of a healthy child.
Children’1, aged 11 months at time of interview. Occupations Mother- teacher, Father- employee. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White European. Read by an actor.