Interview 19
Discovered when applying for life insurance.
Discovered when applying for life insurance.
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Discovered when applying for life insurance.
Discovered when applying for life insurance.
Discovered after taking blood pressure at an exhibition.
Discovered after taking blood pressure at an exhibition.
Discovered following GP check up for pains in arms.
Discovered following GP check up for pains in arms.
Discovered following suspected heart attack.
Discovered following suspected heart attack.
Discovered following GP check.
Discovered following GP check.
Discovered following health check for insurance.
Discovered following health check for insurance.
Discovered following cervical screen and blood pressure monitor.
Discovered following cervical screen and blood pressure monitor.
Discovered following GP general check up.
Discovered following GP general check up.
Discovered following a check for a kidney problem.
Discovered following a check for a kidney problem.
Discovered following pregnancy.
Discovered following pregnancy.