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Interview 25

She has had 3 assisted pregnancies. 1st pregnancy in 1992, first scan was at 20-weeks, detected anomalies. CVS identified cystic fibrosis. Pregnancy ended by induction at 23 weeks. She has had 2 children since the termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1992. No. of children at time of interview’ 2 + [1]. Ages of other children’ 9, 7. Occupations Mother – mother, formerly IT consultant, Father’ IT consultant....

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 24

    Mother of 1 child, she had a miscarriage in 1997. She has a heart condition and takes warfarin (heparin during pregnancy). 3rd pregnancy' 7-week scan confirmed pregnancy viable. 12 week scan no problems found. Nuchal scan at 13 weeks found baby had shortened femur, no tibia or fibular on right leg. Specialist scans confirmed lower limb deficiencies. Pregnancy ended at 17 weeks by induction.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2001. No. of children at time of interview’ 1 + [1]. Age of other child’ 6. Occupations Mother – mother and NHS facilitator, Father – lawyer. Marital...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    She has 3 children (1st, 3rd and 4th pregnancies), and ended 1 pregnancy. 2nd pregnancy' everything seemed fine until 20-week scan which found heart defects. Specialist cardiac scan identified hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Pregnancy ended by induction at 21 weeks. Parents agreed to post mortem. Since then she has had two children.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1999. No. of children at time of interview’ 3 + [1]. Ages of other children’ 7, 4, 3. Occupations Mother – nursery teacher, Father – network manager....

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 22

    Her 1st pregnancy' some bleeding and sickness, scan at 7 weeks confirmed pregnancy. 12-week scan normal. Triple test at 19 weeks, found raised AFP levels. 20-week scan identified hole in baby's heart and shortened limbs. Specialist scan found 2 holes in heart and abnormalities in limbs, bowel and brain- sent for amniocentesis. Pregnancy ended by induction at 21 weeks. She has had another baby since termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2000. No. of children at time of interview’ [1] + 1. Age of other child’ 2. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father’ company director. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 21

    She has had 2 children (1st and 3rd pregnancies), 3 miscarriages and ended 1 pregnancy. 4th pregnancy' had some bleeding, arranged first scan privately at 8 weeks. Felt unsure of viability of pregnancy, had 12 week scan, no anomalies found. Arranged nuchal scan and blood tests privately and several anomalies were detected. CVS identified Edwards syndrome. Pregnancy ended surgically at 15 weeks. She has had 2 miscarriages since the termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2002. No. of children at time of interview’ 2 + [1]. Ages of children’ 7, 4. Occupations Mother – mother, Father – management consultant. Marital status married....

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 20

    She has had two children (1st and 5th pregnancies), 2 miscarriages and 1 stillbirth. She has ended 2 pregnancies. 2nd pregnancy' anomalies detected at dating scan, so she was scanned regularly. By 18 weeks multiple abnormalities evident- sent for amniocentesis. Pregnancy ended by induction. Post mortem identified multiple pterygium syndrome - a genetic disorder caused by both parents having recessive gene. 4th pregnancy' IVF treatment, scanned at 10 weeks and anomalies detected- sent for amniocentesis. Pregnancy ended at 17 weeks. Amnio identified Down's syndrome.

  • Background

    Pregnancies ended in 1996 and 1999. No. of children at time of interview’ 2. Ages of children’ 8, 2. Occupations Mother – mother, formerly civil servant, Father – economist. Marital...

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 19

    His wife's 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan detected neural tube defect. Specialist scan confirmed encephalocoele. Pregnancy ended at 23 weeks by feticide and induction. Post mortem identified Walker-Warburg syndrome - a genetic abnormality. 3rd pregnancy' nuchal scan revealed baby had anomalies, and by 19 weeks scan showed hydrocephalus. Pregnancy ended at 20 weeks by induction. Walker-Warburg syndrome identified at post mortem. Both parents (see EAP05) carriers of recessive gene. 4th child born in 2004.

  • Background

    Interview with father. Pregnancies ended in 2002 and 2003. No. of children at time of interview’ 2 + [2]. Ages of other children’ 3, 6 months. Occupation’ Father – company...

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 18

    Her 1st pregnancy (through IVF). 6-week scan at fertility clinic. Had nuchal scan done privately at 12 weeks. Baby found to have anencephaly. Pregnancy ended surgically at 12 weeks. She has had another baby since termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children at time of interview’ [1] + 1. Age of other child’ 1. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father – nurse. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 17

    After birth of first child she had 3 miscarriages. 4th pregnancy did not 'feel right'. Nuchal scan arranged privately, baby was small for dates. Had two more scans to investigate baby's size and due date. Specialist scan at 21 weeks, then heart scan and then amniocentesis. Doctors suspected diaphragmatic hernia but amnio identified chromosomal abnormality (Wolf Hirschhorn syndrome). Pregnancy was ended by feticide and induction at 24 weeks. (Since the interview she has had another baby.)

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No. of children at time of interview’ 1 + [1]. Age of other child’ 4. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father – lecturer. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 16

    Her 4th pregnancy' experienced sickness during first trimester and felt unwell. Blood test at 16 weeks detected Down's syndrome. Amniocentesis confirmed Down's. Pregnancy ended by induction at 19 weeks. Following the termination she had a stillbirth. (In 2005 she had another baby.)

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2002. No of children at interview’ 4 + [2- 1 TOP, 1 stillbirth]. Ages of other children 20, 18, 15 + baby. Occupations mother & housewife, Father-...

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female