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Interview 26

In 2006 her sister-law sadly died in ICU after having an accident in her car. She visited her daily and took care of all the practical matters.

  • Background

    Retired GP, married with three adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 70
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 25

    In 2006 his 79-year-old wife was admitted to intensive care. Their daughter was their main support and they are now moving to live near her.

  • Background

    Retired from working for the milk marketing board, married with one adult daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 83
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 24

    Her mother had cardiac arrest. She spent nine days in ICU and now lives with her daughter. She received a lot of support from her family.

  • Background

    Kitchen manager, married with two adult daughters. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 23

    In 2006 his partner spent four weeks in ICU because of pneumonia. He visited her every day, sharing the visiting with his partner's parents.

  • Background

    Managing director, engaged, no children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 35
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 22

    His wife had emergency surgery to remove a kidney. He found it difficult to discuss his feelings but received comfort from sitting alone in the hospital chapel.

  • Background

    Gardener, married with two adult daughters. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 59
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 21

    In 2005 her partner had a car accident and spent over four months in ICU. She visited daily while her mother looked after her new baby.

  • Background

    Finance controller, engaged with one daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 24
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 20

    In 2004 his wife and her mother spent six months in hospital and was admitted to ICU three times because of sepsis and heart problems.

  • Background

    Husband: Part-time minister/social worker, full-time carer, married with one adult daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British. Daughter: Hostels officer, single, no children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 60
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 19

    Her brother had an accident while cleaning his motorbike. He had severe head injuries and spent almost four weeks in ICU, where she visited him daily.

  • Background

    Housewife, married with two adult children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 18

    Her best friend spent two weeks in ICU. She was the closest person to her, visited her daily and is now her main carer.

  • Background

    Advanced ambulance assistant, divorced with one daughter. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 15

    Her husband was admitted to ICU because of an emergency heart problem, which was never diagnosed. She praised the care and professionalism of the ICU staff.

  • Background

    Housewife, married, no children. Ethnic background/nationality: White British.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female