Interview 24

Her mother had cardiac arrest. She spent nine days in ICU and now lives with her daughter. She received a lot of support from her family.

In May 2006 her 69-year-old mother had a mild stroke and spent ten days in hospital. In July 2006, she had cardiac arrest and then pneumonia. She spent nine days in ICU and was then transferred to a second hospital to have a defibrillator fitted. This is a device which is implanted within the chest wall. It monitors the heart rhythm, senses if there is about to be a severe disturbance in heart rhythm and, if necessary, delivers an electrical impulse to stop the abnormal rhythm and allow the normal rhythm to resume. In total her mother spent five weeks in hospital, nine days of which were in ICU.

She received a lot of support from her family and felt that this support was extremely important. She and her brother spent a lot more time together while their mother was in hospital. They are a close family and her mother now lives with her.

She wished she had kept a diary of her mother’s time in hospital because it was difficult to remember exact dates later, when her mother attended doctor’s appointments after being discharged from hospital.

The ambulance arrived quickly and her mother was taken from Accident and Emergency to ICU within…

Age at interview 46

Gender Female

The relatives’ room wasn’t really big enough and you couldn’t make yourself a drink.

Age at interview 46

Gender Female