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Ugo - Interview 02

She became depressed in 1981 after having 6 miscarriages, and losing her husband and home. She's also diagnosed with personality disorder, which she disagrees with, and lost custody of her child because of her mental health problems.

  • Background

    Unemployed, former nurse, single with 1 child. Ethnic background/nationality: Black-British (UK born).

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 03

    He had sympathetic doctors who took the time to listen. With medication, early retirement, his religious convictions, and the gradual resolution of life stressors, his depression lifted.

  • Background

    A retired married man whose depression came about in 1995 after a whole range of life stressors (e.g. increased workloads, loss, increased family demands). It took 4 years to overcome...

  • Age at interview 68
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 02

    Effective approaches include medication (currently Efexor 75 mg/day), hypnotherapy and counselling. Was finding it difficult to find therapy in the NHS.

  • Background

    A graduate of an elite University. Believes a chemical imbalance – as well as learned behaviours – lies behind her depression.

  • Age at interview 27
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 01

    Treatments have included ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy), hospitalisation, talking therapies, lithium and medication. He was on a preventative, low dose of Zoloft (sertraline 100mg/day) due to his wife's death.

  • Background

    A former brewer, feels he was probably depressed even as a child. He has had a number of bouts of depression and currently has cancer.

  • Age at interview 75
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 39

    Helpful approaches have included hospitalisation, venlafaxine (75mg X 3/day), Fish Oils, individual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and relationship counselling, support from local women, joining Depression Alliance, and a gradual return to work to build confidence.

  • Background

    Lives with her husband and 6 year old son in a village. Was diagnosed with severe depression after the birth of her son, and had another episode subsequently.

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 38

    Effective approaches have included counselling from his GP, partner support, doing a 'Landmark' course, swimming, and finding an authentic and creative expression for himself through his work.

  • Background

    Is a black gay artist, living with his partner. A difficult family life, he thought about suicide at the age of 14 and again when he had depression at 32.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 37

    Is currently feeling well after a recent rough patch. Helpful approaches have included talking therapies, Prozac (20mg/day), living in a sunnier climate, and exercise.

  • Background

    Was adopted from the US, grew up in London, currently a single teacher living with her dog. Diagnosed with depression in 1993, and has attempted suicide.

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 36

    Useful approaches include medication, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, therapy, hospitalisation, self-help groups. Currently takes Lithium (600mg/day) and citalopram (Cipramil) 20mg/day.

  • Background

    Suffered depression and attempted suicide after leaving university and starting work. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1989. Currently self-employed as a teacher. Has had a number of bouts...

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 35

    Multiple severe bouts requiring hospitalisation at times. Most helpful approaches include medication (currently depacote 1000mg/day, Efexor 75mg/day), fish oils, talking therapies, social support and cranio-sacral massage.

  • Background

    Carrie Thomas is a Media Trainer living in London. There is a history of mental illness in her family. Her bipolar disorder began while studying at Oxford University.

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 34

    Has had 3 bouts of depression since 1998 (including a suicide attempt). Main helpful approaches include therapy, Efexor (75mg/day), alternative therapies and writing in a diary.

  • Background

    British/Half Italian health professional, has felt like an outsider from an early age. She was bullied at school and also had a termination at the age of 16. (Played by...

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female