Interview 35

Multiple severe bouts requiring hospitalisation at times. Most helpful approaches include medication (currently depacote 1000mg/day, Efexor 75mg/day), fish oils, talking therapies, social support and cranio-sacral massage.

Her tutor had to be told about her suicide attempt and was sympathetic – many students had mental…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

Says that people should confront stigma if they can, and that Mental Health Media support people…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

She felt she was on ‘crop rotation’ seeing a different registrar every time she visited…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

She feels Cranio-sacral therapy helped her to relax and get over a cold, as well as reduced the…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

Her friends are supportive and watch out for mania, including over spending, and so will ask…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18

After having mania and being released from hospital she had debts and became depressed, and so…

Age at interview 39

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 18