
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Emma - Interview 10

Emma was diagnosed with CIN3 in 2008, aged 27, and treated by LLETZ under general anaesthetic. She found waiting for treatment extremely stressful and found the Jo's Trust website helpful and supportive.

  • Background

    Emma is an engaged full-time mother Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Anna - Interview 09

    Anna was diagnosed with CIN3 in 2008, aged 33, and treated by LLETZ. She was particularly concerned about the impact of treatment for CIN3 on IVF treatment.

  • Background

    Anna is a married solicitor Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Sarah - Interview 08

    Sarah was diagnosed with CIN3 at the age of 24 and again, a few years later, at around the age of 28. She has been clear for over seven yeas and said she finds it difficult to remember all the details of her experience now.

  • Background

    Sarah is a single HR payroll manager and teacher Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Janet - Interview 06

    Janet was diagnosed with CIN3 in 1996, aged 37. She was pregnant at the time but had to have a hysterectomy. It was a traumatic experience, and Janet is keen to raise awareness of cervical screening and CIN 3.

  • Background

    Janet does occasional nursing and teaching Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Alaina - Interview 05

    Alaina was diagnosed with CIN 2 / 3 in 2008, aged 25. She had severe bleeding a few days after having treatment and was rushed to hospital, where she was treated and stayed for a day. She has been well since then.

  • Background

    Alaina is a single underwriting assistant Ethnic background / nationality: Alaina was living in London [participant’s chosen wording]

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Susan - Interview 04

    Susan was diagnosed with CIN 3 in 2004, aged 25, and again in 2006 after a follow-up examination. She had a LLETZ on both occasions and has been happy with the care and information she was given.

  • Background

    Susan is a nurse specialist and lives with her partner Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 31
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Gillian - Interview 03

    Gillian was diagnosed with CIN 3 in 2006, aged 27. She had a cone biopsy and would have liked more information before and during treatment.

  • Background

    Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 30
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jane - Interview 02

    Jane was diagnosed with CIN3 in 1999, aged 35, after a cone biopsy. Before the biopsy results, she believed she had cancer and felt frightened and anxious. She missed a couple of follow-up appointments because of fears of recurrence.

  • Background

    Jane is a full-time mother Ethnic background / nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Professor Asim Khwaja - Interview 49

    Professor Khwaja explains what leukaemia is and how the various types of leukaemia differ in their presentation, treatment and outcome.

  • Background

    Professor Khwaja is a consultant haematologist at University College Hospital, London and professor of haematology at University College London. He is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of haematological...

  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Pat - Interview 48

    Pat was interviewed jointly with her husband Glyn (interview 40) who has a type of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia that resists chemotherapy and hence has a poorer prognosis. Pat talks about supporting Glyn through his illness and its effects on her.

  • Background

    Pat is a retired human resources officer. She is married with two adult children. Ethnic background: White English.

  • Age at interview 63
  • Sex/Gender Female