
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Margaret - Interview 16

Margaret lost her mother at 14, and started hearing voices at 20. She had a serious suicide attempt and was sectioned. She had a year out of college and has worked ever since. She now takes a low dose of sulpiride and has been supported by optimistic friends.

  • Background

    Margaret is a therapist, single and has no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Simon - Interview 15

    Simon heard voices when he was at university, and didn't know he was ill. Eventually he went to see a psychiatrist and went to hospital. He got a grant and did architecture. Now he is involved with the service user movement and does sculpture.

  • Background

    Simon studied architecture, took medical retirement, lives by himself and has no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 61
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Rachel - Interview 14

    Rachel said she had a happy childhood until she was sexually abused by an elderly uncle. As a direct result she became anorexic and was then in touch with psychiatric services. Rachel's father died when she was 21, and she was hospitalised for the first time at 27. Now Rachel does voluntary work, does plenty of exercise, and has learned to be kind to herself.

  • Background

    Rachel does voluntary work, is in a relationship, and has no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Andr‚Äö√†√∂¬¨¬© - Interview 13

    André describes a 'normal' life doing his university degree but then having a 'nervous breakdown'. He has had three admissions to hospital but is now reducing his medication and looking forward to further education in the future.

  • Background

    André works as a volunteer, and is currently single with no children. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Kirsty - Interview 12

    Kirsty was sexually abused as a child; then had 'strange symptoms when managing a shop. She has been in hospital after having hallucinations and tries 'creative visualisation' to control them, along with her medication. She has had long battles with various addictions.

  • Background

    Kirsty is a volunteer with Rethink and a local housing organisation; she is single with no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Green Lettuce - Interview 11

    Green Lettuce had problems with anxiety, voices and paranoia. He is now much better and wants to set up his own business. He takes a tranquilizer (Diazepam) and a sleeping tablet (Zopiclone) but no anti-psychotic medication, and thinks time has helped the most.

  • Background

    Green Lettuce wants to be an entrepreneur, lives in the countryside, is single and has no children. Ethnic Background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • William - Interview 10

    William was badly bullied as a child and developed various obsessions and compulsions. He had trouble concentrating and finds working challenging. He now takes Lustral and Quetiapine which he finds helpful but still struggles with feelings of depression.

  • Background

    William took medical retirement but does volunteer work for Rethink, is single and has no children. Ethnic Background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Jenni - Interview 09

    Jenni had a happy childhood with her adoptive family, and started to get depressed as a teenager. Years later she heard voices so went to her GP. She was sectioned and spent a month in hospital. Now she feels much better and is now in a full time job

  • Background

    Jenni is 30, lives in London, works in business and has no children. She describes herself as mixed race, lives in a shared house and is currently doing a number...

  • Age at interview 30
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Dolly - Interview 08

    Dolly was born in London and had a difficult childhood. She describes her voices as coming 'out of the blue', taking her from 'nothing' to 'completely psychotic'. She spent time in an in-patient ward and it took 7 years to get the right medication.

  • Background

    Dolly is studying film, is single with no children and involved with the service user movement. Dolly heard voices at the age of 14 and in her early 20s was...

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Mary - Interview 07

    Mary's son first became unwell in prison in 2004. He had an acute psychotic episode in 2007. Mary has struggled to get a diagnosis for her son and was shocked at the care he received in hospital. Her son is now stable and living independently.

  • Background

    Mary is a nurse and has helped with the care for her son, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 2007. Ethnic background/nationality White Irish.

  • Age at interview 61
  • Sex/Gender Female