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Interview 19

His wife's 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan detected neural tube defect. Specialist scan confirmed encephalocoele. Pregnancy ended at 23 weeks by feticide and induction. Post mortem identified Walker-Warburg syndrome - a genetic abnormality. 3rd pregnancy' nuchal scan revealed baby had anomalies, and by 19 weeks scan showed hydrocephalus. Pregnancy ended at 20 weeks by induction. Walker-Warburg syndrome identified at post mortem. Both parents (see EAP05) carriers of recessive gene. 4th child born in 2004.

  • Background

    Interview with father. Pregnancies ended in 2002 and 2003. No. of children at time of interview’ 2 + [2]. Ages of other children’ 3, 6 months. Occupation’ Father – company...

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 06

    Their 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan showed baby seemed small for his dates. Further specialist scans at 28 and 32 weeks showed baby's head was small. Mother also had amniocentesis and MRI scan. Baby diagnosed with microcephaly. Pregnancy ended at 34 weeks by feticide and induction.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children 1 + [1]. Age of other child at interview’ 4. Occupations Mother – mother and housewife, Father – policeman. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 07

    Her 3rd pregnancy' 20-week scan detected anomalies - baby's kidneys and stomach couldn't be seen. Specialist scan revealed baby had multiple abnormalities; parents agreed to amniocentesis which confirmed baby's problems were not inherited. Pregnancy ended at 22 weeks by induction. She has since had another baby.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2002. No of children 3 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 7, 3 and 9 months. Occupation’ Mother – mother, formerly TEFL teacher, Father’ IT...

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 08

    Her 2nd pregnancy' felt unwell throughout pregnancy, AFP test at 16 weeks indicated that baby might have Down's syndrome, later confirmed by amniocentesis. Pregnancy was ended by induction at 21 weeks. She felt insufficiently prepared or informed about baby's post mortem.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1998. No of children 2 + [1]. Ages of children at interview’ 7, 4. Occupations Mother – classroom assistant, Father – Pottery worker. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 29
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 09

    Her 2nd pregnancy' 20-week scan found baby had anomalies. Preliminary diagnosis after specialist cardiac scan was that baby had serious heart defects. Pregnancy ended by induction at 24 weeks. Post mortem revealed baby had hypoplastic left heart syndrome and an unbalanced chromosomal translocation (Robertsonian translocation of 13 and 14). Genetic counselling found that mother and her mother are carriers of a chromosomal disorder or translocation of the chromosomes. Since termination she has had another baby.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 1996. No of children 2 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 11, 5. Occupations Mother and Father – employed. Marital status married. Ethnic background’ White...

  • Age at interview 33
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 11

    Her 1st pregnancy' experienced hyperemesis during pregnancy. Triple test at 16 weeks showed high AFP reading. Sent for specialist scan which found baby had neural tube defect confirmed by amniocentesis. Pregnancy was ended by induction at 21 weeks. Post mortem indicated Arnold-Chiari malformation. Since termination she has had another baby.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children 2 + [1]. Age of other childen at interview’ 4 months + baby born since interview. Occupations Mother- export administrator, Father- IT service...

  • Age at interview 32
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 12

    Her 1st pregnancy' 20-week scan indicated anomalies. Detailed scanning showed the baby had severe form of spina bifida. The pregnancy ended by induction at 20 weeks. She has polycystic ovarian syndrome and was taking folic acid before the pregnancy, she now takes a larger dose. One miscarriage since the termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No. of children’ [1]. Occupations Mother – social services manager, Father – music producer. Marital status long-term partnership. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 13

    Her 1st pregnancy' heavy bleeding in first trimester caused by ovarian haematoma. 20-week scan found insufficient amniotic fluid - possible premature rupture of membranes. Parents advised that baby could have lung damage/ breathing difficulties - uncertain prognosis. Pregnancy ended by induction at 23 weeks. Post mortem indicated that baby's development not affected by rupture of membranes. Twins born since termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children’ [1] at time of interview, twins born since interview. Occupations Mother – programme manager, Father – senior change manager. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 34
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 14

    Her 2nd pregnancy' nuchal scan arranged privately - showed baby was small, scan and blood tests found anomalies. Triple test - no problems found. Detailed scan and amniocentesis done together. Scan detected exomphalos. Amnio identified Edwards syndrome. Pregnancy ended by induction at 20 weeks. She has had another baby since termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children at interview’ 2 + [1]. Ages of other children at interview’ 4, 2 months. Occupations Mother – formerly local government officer, Father –...

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 18

    Her 1st pregnancy (through IVF). 6-week scan at fertility clinic. Had nuchal scan done privately at 12 weeks. Baby found to have anencephaly. Pregnancy ended surgically at 12 weeks. She has had another baby since termination.

  • Background

    Pregnancy ended in 2003. No of children at time of interview’ [1] + 1. Age of other child’ 1. Occupations Mother – nurse, Father – nurse. Marital status married. Ethnic...

  • Age at interview 38
  • Sex/Gender Female