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Interview 14

Diagnosed '84 as sore fingers; main symptoms age 30+ & began DMARDs. Now Methotrexate 15mg/wk & daily folic acid, Meloxicam 15mg, Prednisolone 2.5mg, 6 Co-codamol & Lansoprazole. Operations; toe '90; wrist & finger fusions; 2 ankle replacements '01/03.

  • Background

    Freelance human resources consultant (part time), married with no children. Has had ankle surgery via private healthcare but other operations via NHS. Family history of RA.

  • Age at interview 43
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 37

    Diagnosed July 2001 after developing a stiff neck. Combination treatment of Sulphasalazine 2000mg/day and Methotrexate 10mg/week with folic acid 5mg 2/week. Rofecoxib 25mg/day, Ferrous sulphate 400mg/day (anaemia), Protium 40mg/day (indigestion).

  • Background

    Financial administrator, married with no children.

  • Age at interview 50
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 29

    RA diagnosed '90 & Juvenile RA age 8-11. Significant DMARD side-effects. Had breast cancer '98 & drugs also relieved RA. Methotrexate 15mg/week, folic acid 5mg 6/7 days, daily Diclofenac, Tamoxifen 20mg & Nibedipine 20mg. Paracetemol & Zantac as required.

  • Background

    Full time senior position within the NHS, single, no children. Family history of arthritis.

  • Age at interview 49
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Georgina - Interview 57

    Diagnosed two years ago Georgina has been on B-cell therapy rituximab since November 2007. Previously she was on anti-TNF therapies; Humira and Enbrel. Her diagnosis of RA came about after her Pain Syndrome consultant referred her to the rheumatology clinic.

  • Background

    Georgina lives at home with her husband and son and describes both of them as caring and supportive. She can no longer drive and feels she has lost her independence....

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Charlotte - Interview 55

    Charlotte was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in July 2007. The first time she saw her consultant was as a private patient because on the NHS there was a waiting period of three months. She is on Methotrexate. She feels more tired than before her diagnosis.

  • Background

    Charlotte is a full time teacher and just before diagnosis she applied for a post in a school in her home town. She has moved back in with her parents.

  • Age at interview 25
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 30

    Diagnosed '95 after severe ankle pain (maybe virus triggered). Subject in Anti-TNF trial. Pneumonia due to RA. Regular steroid injections prior to ankle fusion. Methotrexate/folic acid, Celebrex, Tramadol, Diazapan, Tomazapan, Prozac, Atenolol, Dothiepin.

  • Background

    Senior manager in bank working full time shifts. Married with 2 adult children.

  • Age at interview 55
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Interview 31

    Diagnosed '93 after quick onset. Side-effects from various DMARDs. Currently on Enbrel (anti TNFa) twice a week, Brufen retard 2400mg/day, Prednisolone 7.5mg/day and Paracetemol as required. Both elbows replaced (2002) and knee washout operation.

  • Background

    Housewife (previously secretary), married with 3 children (one born since RA diagnosis) and 2 step children.

  • Age at interview 37
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Interview 32

    Diagnosed seronegative RA '97 but symptoms since '77 after flu-like virus. Took Opren but side-effects so chose homeopathy. Mid '90s significant disease progression & began DMARDS, but side-effects. Now 6 weekly Depomedrone injections (120mg), physio & hydrotherapy.

  • Background

    Full time Network Manager for arthritis charity, single, no children.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female