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Dean has Hughes-Stovin syndrome, a very rare type of systemic vasculitis. It has mainly affected his lungs, and he has to take life at a slower pace than before.

  • Background

    Dean had worked in the retail sector since leaving school but has been unable to return due to ill-health. He lives with his wife and son. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Claudia

    Claudia has a type of systemic vasculitis called anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease (also known as Goodpasture's disease) with ANCA (anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies). She looks forward to her continued recovery.

  • Background

    Claudia is on a phased return to full-time work with the support of occupational health. She lives with her husband. Ethnic background: White Romanian.

  • Age at interview 39
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Nicky

    Nicky has Behçet's disease, a type of systemic vasculitis with symptoms including ulcers, swelling, rashes and fatigue. Nicky is grateful to the dentist who recognised that she needed specialist investigation and treatment.

  • Background

    After a career in the police and Special Branch, Nicky is self-employed running a transcription company. She is separated. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 57
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Jane

    Jane has ANCA associated vasculitis with stage 4 kidney disease and may need a kidney transplant. Her vasculitis was discovered after she had two cardiac arrests and was resuscitated by a stranger. It was very important to her to meet and thank him.

  • Background

    Jane lives with her partner. She is hoping to return to her work as a medical secretary in a few months; time. Ethnic background: White English.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Pete

    Pete has granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA), a type of ANCA associated vasculitis which has affected his hearing and kidneys. After being well for several years, Pete relapsed in March 2020 just before the first COVID-19 lockdown.

  • Background

    Pete is a retired quantity surveyor who lives with his wife. Ethnic background: White Scottish.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Karen

    Karen has eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), a type of ANCA associated vasculitis previously known as Churg-Strauss syndrome. She has found exercise and a calorie-controlled diet an important part of her recovery.

  • Background

    Karen is a retired insurance company chief executive who now does freelance work for an online estate agent. Ethnic background: White English.

  • Age at interview 58
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Peter

    Peter has microscopic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (MPA), a type of ANCA associated vasculitis. It was diagnosed after Peter collapsed with a brain bleed. He feels an important part of his ongoing recovery is having support to manage his depression.

  • Background

    Peter is a retired marketing consultant. He and his wife have two grown-up children and three grandchildren. Ethnic background: White British.

  • Age at interview 67
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Gail

    Gail has eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), an ANCA associated vasculitis previously known as Churg-Strauss syndrome. She;d like services to take a team approach when people with unexplained symptoms aren't responding to treatment.

  • Background

    Gail is medically retired from her work as a health visitor. She has just started a part-time job in social support. Gail is divorced with two grown-up daughters and is...

  • Age at interview 52
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Dawn

    Systemic vasculitis affected Dawn's ears, nose and eyes. She needed a major operation to repair her collapsed nose. Dawn is keen that doctors and nurses have support and training to recognise vasculitis so it can be treated before further damage is done.

  • Background

    Dawn worked for 17 years as a learning support assistant in a mainstream primary school. She left two years ago to care for her parents. Dawn lives with her father,...

  • Age at interview 54
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Nicola

    Nicola has microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), a type of ANCA associated vasculitis that has affected her kidneys. Fast action by her GP meant that she was diagnosed and began treatment in less than a week.

  • Background

    Nicola, a former teacher, is chief executive of a charity that offers baby loss counselling and support to families. She lives with her husband and two sons. Their newborn son,...

  • Age at interview 46
  • Sex/Gender Female