
Dean has Hughes-Stovin syndrome, a very rare type of systemic vasculitis. It has mainly affected his lungs, and he has to take life at a slower pace than before.

Dean was working in a local supermarket and going regularly to the gym when, in 2013, he had repeated chest infections. He says they made him feel freezing cold, and shiver and shake, even when the weather was hot. Although antibiotics brought temporary relief, the cycle always started again. When scans showed blood clots in Dean’s lungs and heart, he was treated with blood thinning medication.

Unfortunately, Dean then coughed up a large amount of blood. This happened several times over a few months, and each time he was rushed to hospital. On the third admission, Dean had to go to intensive care, where he recalls holding his wife’s hand and saying sorry to her. It was a shock to him and his family to realise that he was so seriously ill and that doctors were consulting with colleagues across the country to try to understand what was going on.

In March 2014, Dean was diagnosed with Hughes-Stovin syndrome, a very rare condition that has been considered as a variant of a type of vasculitis called Behçet’s disease. He was told a specialist vasculitis centre would take over his care but that it was a four-hour drive away. Dean remembers absolutely sobbin and being comforted by the doctor. The next few months were a blur of hospital visits and treatment that included stomach injections to thin his blood and drug infusions to suppress his immune system.

Pain, fatigue and the unpredictability of his condition meant that Dean was unable to return to his job, so the family had to tighten their belts. As part of his recovery, doctors at the specialist hospital recommended he try going to the gym again. He was disappointed that none of the gyms he approached were prepared to take the ris until his GP intervened.

In 2017, Dean coughed up blood again. When his local hospital was about to send him home, he says he insisted they get in touch with the specialist hospital, who re-started treatment. Dean describes himself now as sort of stabl on a number of drugs including a blood thinner (rivaroxaban), immunosuppressants (azathioprine and prednisolone), a maintenance antibiotic, and strong painkillers.

Dean trusts the doctors who are most involved in his care and appreciates that he can call the specialist vasculitis nurse directly for support. However, he is frustrated that health information is not easily shared between doctors, hospitals and patients when, within his specialist hospital, doctors can quickly see results of scans and blood tests carried out there, and patients can access their information online.

Dean says it is difficult to get his head round what has happened, because it is so rare. He finds the best way of dealing with it is to live day by day. He plays snooker, mows the lawn, goes to the gym and walks but – due to breathlessness, pain and fatigue – this has to be at his pace. He says he does what he can, then rests to let his body recover.

Dean keeps all his clinic letters to help coordinate care between local staff and vasculitis specialists.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

When a gym felt Dean’s vasculitis would be too risky, a doctor went “above and beyond” to get him in.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean’s body “won’t allow” him to do as much as fit people. At snooker or the gym, he is often asked why he needs a rest.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

As his vasculitis symptoms are unpredictable, Dean feels working in retail is “too much” for his body.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean can’t work due to vasculitis. He would like to know if he is entitled to more financial support.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean coughed up blood again. This was a sign that his vasculitis had relapsed, but a hospital doctor wanted to send him home.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean keeps all his clinic letters to help coordinate care between local staff and vasculitis specialists.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

When a gym felt Dean’s vasculitis would be too risky, a doctor went above and beyond to get him in.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean’s body won’t allow him to do as much as fit people. At snooker or the gym, he is often asked why he needs a rest.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

As his vasculitis symptoms are unpredictable, Dean feels working in retail is too much for his body.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean coughed up blood again. This was a sign that his vasculitis had relapsed, but a hospital doctor wanted to send him home.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40

Dean can’t work due to vasculitis. He would like to know if he is entitled to more financial support.

Age at interview 47

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 40