Interview 11
He was invited to be screened for bowel cancer in 2005, when aged 67, but for various reasons he decided not to take part.
A white English man, retired managing director, married with 4 children.
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He was invited to be screened for bowel cancer in 2005, when aged 67, but for various reasons he decided not to take part.
A white English man, retired managing director, married with 4 children.
Has been invited to be screened for bowel cancer twice, but has not done the Faecal Occult Blood (FOB) test mainly because she is afraid of having further investigations.
A white British woman, a retired nurse manager, divorced, 3 children
She was invited to be screened for bowel cancer in 2006, but for various reasons she decided not to do the faecal occult blood (FOB) test.
A white British woman, a carer (part time), married, with 3 children.