
Here, you can find any of the interviews on this site.

Stuart - Interview 02

In 1991, after returning to London from Moscow, Stuart experienced extreme worry and paranoia. He moved to the country and was diagnosed with schizophrenia in 1996. He was both shocked and relieved. A befriender from Rethink helped his recovery and he now maintains a distance from psychiatry.

  • Background

    Stuart is a political activist/documentary photographer/writer. He lives with his partner. Ethnic background/nationality: White British

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Pete - Interview 05

    When young, Pete was abused by a child-minder and began to hear voices. Later he had long periods in in-patient care. Pete is now recovered and describes himself as a 'voice hearer'. He is Chair of the Hearing Voices network in Sheffield, amongst other roles.

  • Background

    Pete works as a trainer and advocate. He is 48, White British, and lives with his partner in Sheffield. Pete has three children

  • Age at interview 48
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • William - Interview 10

    William was badly bullied as a child and developed various obsessions and compulsions. He had trouble concentrating and finds working challenging. He now takes Lustral and Quetiapine which he finds helpful but still struggles with feelings of depression.

  • Background

    William took medical retirement but does volunteer work for Rethink, is single and has no children. Ethnic Background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Kirsty - Interview 12

    Kirsty was sexually abused as a child; then had 'strange symptoms when managing a shop. She has been in hospital after having hallucinations and tries 'creative visualisation' to control them, along with her medication. She has had long battles with various addictions.

  • Background

    Kirsty is a volunteer with Rethink and a local housing organisation; she is single with no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Rachel - Interview 14

    Rachel said she had a happy childhood until she was sexually abused by an elderly uncle. As a direct result she became anorexic and was then in touch with psychiatric services. Rachel's father died when she was 21, and she was hospitalised for the first time at 27. Now Rachel does voluntary work, does plenty of exercise, and has learned to be kind to herself.

  • Background

    Rachel does voluntary work, is in a relationship, and has no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 47
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • Margaret - Interview 16

    Margaret lost her mother at 14, and started hearing voices at 20. She had a serious suicide attempt and was sectioned. She had a year out of college and has worked ever since. She now takes a low dose of sulpiride and has been supported by optimistic friends.

  • Background

    Margaret is a therapist, single and has no children. Ethnic background’ White British.

  • Age at interview 41
  • Sex/Gender Female
  • David - Interview 18

    David was in a 'right state' when his family called the psychiatrists and was admitted to hospital. Over the next five years he had eight admissions to hospital. He was out of hospital for 11 years, then had 3 admissions over 1.5 years. He has since done acting, comedy nights, compering, and gardening.

  • Background

    David is training to be a counsellor, is single and has one child. Ethnic background’ White Irish.

  • Age at interview 40
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Robert - Interview 19

    Robert had a 'normal' childhood, but his father died when he was 15. Later, he started using methamphetamine, which damaged his mental health, and he started hearing voices and sleeping on the streets. He now lives in the South West with his partner who supports him.

  • Background

    Robert used to be a labourer, is living with his partner and had one child Ethnic background’ White English

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Naveed - Interview 21

    Naveed thought that he wasn't how 'youngsters were supposed to be' and saw his first hallucination when he was 5. When he was 16 he was told he had 'mental health problems and had a breakdown in 2002 during which he couldn't leave the room for 18 months. Now he does extensive volunteering, and lives with his wife and two children.

  • Background

    Naveed is a volunteer, and is married with two children. Ethnic background’ British Pakistani.

  • Age at interview 42
  • Sex/Gender Male
  • Cat - Interview 25

    In her teens Cat thought people were laughing at her, and later in her 20s was referred to a psychiatrist. She felt people were 'whispering' and 'plotting'. Cat has been admitted to hospital twice as a voluntary patient. Now she lives in a flat, does evening classes and has a support worker to help in practical ways.

  • Background

    Cat is Unemployed, single and has no children. Ethnic background’ White English.

  • Age at interview 45
  • Sex/Gender Female