Carrier screening for other reasons

Although most people we talked to had carrier screening during pregnancy, a few discovered they were carriers at other times in their lives. Some people found out after their new baby had been screened – their experiences are summarised separately in the section on newborn screening tests.

People sometimes want to be screened before they get married or start a family. This is often because they know there is a family history of being a carrier or having the condition, and know about the risks for the baby if both partners are carriers.

She asked for screening when she got engaged. She knew there was beta thalassaemia on her father…

Age at interview 29

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Some people from other countries were tested on entry to the UK, including women who were coming to the UK to get married or to join their husband after marrying in another country.

She found out she was a beta thalassaemia carrier when she came to the UK from Pakistan to join…

Age at interview 31

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She was already pregnant and was screened on arrival to the UK. Her midwife confirmed she was a…

Age at interview 20

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Several people had known since childhood that they were carriers. Sometimes they had been tested because their parents knew it ran in their family. Others could not remember why they had been tested, and felt it was just something routine. This was particularly the case for people born in some African countries.

She had known from childhood she was a sickle cell carrier. Others in her family were carriers…

Age at interview 35

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A few people had tests because they had felt unwell, especially if there was some family history of the condition.

He knew from childhood he was a beta thalassaemia carrier. She was tested when she was unwell as…

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Although being a carrier doesn’t mean you have the condition, people who are carriers of beta thalassaemia can sometimes become anaemic. One woman had several tests for anaemia before she was finally diagnosed as a beta thalassaemia carrier. Another was told her screening test results were negative, and it was only later she discovered she was in fact a sickle cell carrier.

She often felt unwell as a child, and was diagnosed with anaemia. At university she discovered…

Age at interview 29

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She asked to be tested for sickle cell some years ago. The result came back negative, but she…

Age at interview 32

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A few people found out by chance when they were being treated for other conditions, but this is very unusual.

She discovered by chance she was a sickle cell carrier when she changed HIV consultant and had…

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Carrier screening during pregnancy

Many of the people we talked to discovered they were a carrier of sickle cell or beta thalassaemia during pregnancy. The NHS Screening Programme has...

Partner carrier screening

Sickle cell and beta thalassaemia are inherited recessive conditions. 'Recessive' means a person can only inherit the condition if both parents are carriers. Each child...