Non-epileptic attacks

Under certain circumstances, such as extreme stress, anyone can have a single seizure. This is not the same as having epilepsy, which means having a tendency to experience recurrent seizures that originate in the brain.

Non-epileptic attacks appear similar to epileptic seizures but they are not accompanied by the same characteristic changes in brain activity. As with epileptic seizures, people may fall and injure themselves. They may convulse and they may even be incontinent. Non-epileptic attacks may occur for either physical or psychological reasons and diagnosis is often difficult. Some patients diagnosed with epilepsy, which continues despite anti-epileptic medication, can turn out to be something other than epilepsy. Therefore it is important that the diagnosis be kept under review.

A woman, who had been seizure free after having neurosurgery for epilepsy, wondered if an episode she had had was a panic attack. One man discussed the non-epileptic seizures he was having. Another man, who was diagnosed with having non-epileptic seizures, described his symptoms. He also recalled the tests he had had to show that his seizures were non-epileptic.

Wonders whether an episode she had was a panic attack.

Age at interview 35

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 1

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Describes the seizures he had which were finally diagnosed as non-epileptic.

Age at interview 65

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 49

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Describes what first happened when he had a non-epileptic seizure.

Age at interview 39

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35

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Discusses the tests that showed his seizures were non-epileptic.

Age at interview 39

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 35

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Although the causes of non-epileptic attacks are not the same as those of epilepsy, there are many similarities between epilepsy and non-epileptic seizures. The anxiety that often accompanies a diagnosis can also be similar.

Epileptic seizures

Epilepsy is the most common neurological condition (affecting the brain), in the world. It is defined as a tendency to have recurrent seizures. In this...

Triggers for epilepsy

Most seizures happen completely out of the blue. For some people, though, seizures are triggered by certain things. These often differ from one person to...