Jimmy – Interview 41

Jimmy was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia after swollen lymph glands in his neck were noticed by a doctor at a routine check up for an unrelated health problem. He has not had any treatment and attends for regular check-ups.

Jimmy was attending regular check-ups at the hospital following surgery for lung cancer. During one appointment the doctor noticed swollen glands in Jimmy’s neck and took a blood sample. The results suggested leukaemia and he was sent for more tests including biopsies of a lymph node in his neck and his bone marrow. The diagnosis was confirmed as chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and Jimmy was reassured by being told that lots of people lived with this condition for many years. He was told he didn’t need treatment at present so he just goes to the hospital for regular check-ups.

Jimmy feels tired much of the time but doesn’t know how much of that is due to the leukaemia and how much to his age. He doesn’t let it stop him doing anything but will snatch a nap when he can. He doesn’t sleep well because he feels hot at night but says that was the case long before his leukaemia. He still has swollen glands in his neck, armpits and groin but is unaware of them.

Jimmy also suffers from autoimmune haemolytic anaemia for which he takes medication and has regular check-ups with the same haematology team who he sees for the leukaemia. He has recently had a lump removed from his ear and is waiting for the results of a biopsy taken from it.

Jimmy carries on doing everything he wants to do despite feeling tired – hell snatch forty winks…

Age at interview 63

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57

Jimmy is scared of needles and found his first bone marrow biopsy very uncomfortable rather than…

Age at interview 63

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 57