
Initially, Stephen was keener about breastfeeding than his partner Holly, but will support whatever decision she makes once the baby is born. They are leaning towards breastfeeding, mainly because of the health benefits to the baby.

Stephen and his partner Holly began their relationship a number of years ago. At the time of interview, Holly was pregnant with their first child. Stephen said Holly’s HIV status did not bothe him and he thought okay, so wha. He learned about HIV medication, how it works and what undetectable; (viral load) means.

Stephen was initially more in favour of breastfeeding than Holly. Stephen believed the low risk of HIV transmission is outweighed by the health benefits of breastfeeding such as the boost the immune system, lowers the risk of adult diabetes and obesity and a whole list of thing. Stephen believed that the National Childbirth Trust training and more interactions with midwives pushing breastfeedin has also slightl changed her mind about it.

Stephen’s partner, Holly, wasn’t sure about breastfeeding, but decided to try after receiving information about the benefits from midwives in their NCT class.

Age at interview 37

Stephen found information about HIV and infant feeding from trusted sources like the NHS website.

Age at interview 37

Stephen, Holly’s partner, was interested in the benefits of breastfeeding for babies’ immune systems.

Age at interview 37

Stephen learned more about HIV after his partner, Holly shared her HIV status, but was not bothered about her diagnosis.

Age at interview 37