
Simon’s kidney function has been damaged by long term use of lithium to treat bipolar disorder. His kidney health is monitored by his GP and a specialist. He is also treated for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and atrial fibrillation.

Simon has taken lithium to treat bipolar disorder since he was eighteen. When in his forties his GP called him in to tell him that long term use of lithium had impaired his kidney function. He had not previously been aware that this could happen and, although he had regular blood tests, he had only ever been told that the results were fine. He wonders whether there had been any alternative at the time that could avoid kidney damage, but is grateful that the lithium had been effective in stabilising his moods.

After being told about his kidney impairment Simon was referred to kidney specialist and a psychiatrist. He was offered alternative drugs to lithium but as his mental health was stable Simon didn’t want to disturb his equilibrium. But on advice from the kidney specialist he has reduced his lithium dose with no ill effects and blood tests show that his kidney function has improved. He knows the damage cannot be entirely reversed but hopes it can be limited. He sometimes senses a coldness in his back and an occasional twinge and wonders whether this is to do with his kidneys.

For many years Simon has also taken medicines to control his blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Then two years ago Simon developed atrial fibrillation and had a pulmonary embolism a few weeks later. In addition to lithium he takes warfarin, simvastatin, doxazosin, amlodipine, ramipril and sotalol. He uses a dosette box to organise his tablets and wishes he didn’t have to take so many. He has a slight cough as a side effect of ramipril and shaky hands from the lithium, although the latter has lessened since reducing the dose.

Simon has blood tests three times a year at his GP’s surgery and also sees his kidney specialist annually. The specialist shows him a graph of his kidney function test results, which Simon can also access via a website. He feels reassured by being monitored regularly but cannot help feeling anxious before appointments. He hopes to remain as well as possible for as long as possible. He would like to lose some weight in order to improve his kidney function further and other aspects of his health, but finds it difficult to motivate himself to make major dietary changes. He has reduced his alcohol consumption, mainly because it seems to interact with his heart medications. Certain foods have to be avoided because they interact with his tablets but he would like to be told what foods to avoid to improve his kidney health, and to be offered more help with losing weight. He believes that, since the kidneys are vital for life, the public should be made more aware of the various things that can impair kidney health.

To help him remember to take all his medicines Simon organises them two weeks in advance using a dosette box. Swallowing them can sometimes be a problem, as can dropping them on the floor.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Simon hopes that his kidneys will work sufficiently well for as long as possible so that they don’t cause him any problems. He is grateful that his condition is being monitored.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Simon feels there are things he could do to improve his health, such as losing weight.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Simon can’t remember the exact level of his kidney function but he can access a website where all his results are stored as a record for both him and his specialist.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Simon would be prepared to change his diet if it could help his kidneys. He would like his GP to be proactive in discussing his weight.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male

Simon found out that his kidney function was decreased when his GP asked to see him for a medication review. He has since reduced the amount of lithium he takes for his bipolar disorder.

Age at interview 56

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Simon explains why he likes to see his kidney specialist once a year as well as his GP several times a year; his consultant had been on hand to clarify his suitability for an unrelated hospital procedure.

Age at interview 56

Gender Male