Shirley – Interview 22

Shirley was diagnosed with DCIS in 2006, aged 70. She had a wide local excision and radiotherapy, and also took part in a clinical trial.

Shirley had not expected an invitation for a routine mammogram because she was over the age of 70 so, when she was invited out of the blue, she was delighted;. After having the mammogram, she was recalled and given tests, including a core biopsy, which she found very uncomfortable. The tests were inconclusive and doctors told her that she would need to have a wide local excision to find out if anything was wrong. After this operation, doctors told her that she had DCIS.

Shirley later had radiotherapy, which she found convenient to travel to every day, though slightly tiring. After a discussion with her oncologist and surgeon, Shirley decided not to take tamoxifen because she didn’t want any of the possible side effects at the age of 70, such as hot flushes, weight gain and bleeding.

Shirley had never heard of DCIS before and was shocked when told she had it. She said she had always assumed her chances of getting breast cancer were small because she had had four children, breast-fed them all, and had never smoked. After being diagnosed, Shirley contacted a friend who had had DCIS in the past and had done a lot of research into it. She found the time between biopsy and wide local excision very worrying and talking to her friend about the diagnosis and treatments helped.

Shirley was also given the option of taking part in a clinical trail called the Sentinel Node Trial. This involved having four lymph nodes removed, surgery that Shirley said she would be having anyway so agreed to take part because she wanted her participation to benefit other people in the future.

Shirley said that routine mammograms are absolutely essential and terribly important; and that she was happy with the care she had received from health professionals.

Shirley was interviewed for the Healthtalkonline website in 2008.

Radiotherapy was much easier than Shirley had expected. Parking at the hospital was the most…

Age at interview 72

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70

Shirley didn’t want to be confused by all the information on the internet and preferred to talk…

Age at interview 72

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70

Shirley was pleased to have a routine mammogram after the age of seventy but didn’t expect to…

Age at interview 72

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70

Shirley was over seventy and invited for breast screening out of the blue, after which she was…

Age at interview 72

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70

Shirley’s biopsy result was inconclusive, so she had to have surgery. She found the biopsy more…

Age at interview 72

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 70