Sandy – Interview 20

Sandy was diagnosed with DCIS and, after a wide local excision, told the DCIS had actually been invasive cancer. She had radiotherapy and was taking tamoxifen.

Sandy had always attended for routine mammograms and, in 2007, was recalled at the age of 58. After tests, she was diagnosed with DCIS and had a wide local excision shortly afterwards. Sandy was shocked at the diagnosis because she hadn’t had a lump or any other symptoms.

After surgery, Sandy was told by her doctor that the DCIS had actually been invasive breast cancer. She then had surgery to remove some lymph nodes to check the cancer hadn’t spread and found she was in pain afterwards. She was given five weeks of radiotherapy and is taking tamoxifen for two years. After the tamoxifen, Sandy will be taking another hormone therapy for three years but was unsure what it was called. She is currently having yearly mammograms.

Sandy said she had been extremely positive throughout her diagnosis and treatment and never shed a tear;. She was very happy with her overall care but felt improvements could be made in her particular area. Before surgery, she had localisation in one hospital. She then had to travel to another hospital for the actual operation. Sandy had a friend with her at the time but otherwise would have had to go on her own.

Sandy said she had a lot of support from her best friend, who she stayed with for a few days after surgery. She lives on her own and advised other women in a similar situation to ensure they have support immediately after surgery. Although she was in no pain and recovered quickly, she said it was helpful to be at her friend’s home when first discharged.

Since her diagnosis, Sandy said she has gone part-time at work and makes more time for the things she enjoys.

Sandy was interviewed for the Healthtalkonline website in 2008.

Sandy said she never shed a tear when she was diagnosed. She wanted to get on with the…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy stayed with a friend for a few days because she felt tired. Back at home, she took it easy…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy describes what happened when she had planning for radiotherapy and then the treatment…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy will now be having annual mammograms. She is worried that the first one might be painful…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy had some lymph nodes removed. They were all clear but her arm was a bit sore and painful…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy wasnt worried about her results because she felt fit and well and expected nothing to be…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy had to arrange her own transport from one hospital to another. She said waiting to have…

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58

Sandy stayed with a friend after surgery, and that turned out to be just what she needed.

Age at interview 58

Gender Female

Age at diagnosis 58