Sandra – Interview 41
One year after her daughter’s diagnosis, Sandra was invited to enrol her daughter in a ten year trial to follow her daughter’s progress. Sandra believes her daughter is still in the trial, although she was unsure.
Sandra aged 46 years is a full time housewife. She has five children. One of her daughters was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis at the age of four years; she is now nine years of age. Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is a rare condition that affects children under the age of 18 years and affects approximately two children per million. It is an autoimmune disease where the body’s own immune system attacks the body, skin, muscles, and internal organs and the cause of JDM is unknown.
When her daughter was aged five years Sandra was invited to enrol her in a trial. Sandra was informed the trial was for ten years and would involve following her daughter’s progress and keeping medical records to help get a better understanding of the condition and its prognosis. They would take blood tests and completing a Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale (CMAS) to measure physical function, muscle strength and endurance, and disease activity. Although at the time of being invited she was given plenty of information to read, it was quite a lot to take in. However, she was reassured that her daughter’s information would be kept confidential and was happy to take part if it could help her daughter and provides information to help understand the condition better; thus helping other children in the future.
Sandra believes her daughter is still in the trial, although she was unsure. She says she would like some more feedback and a bit more information about the progress of the trial. However, her daughter is doing well and she is pleased with her daughter’s treatment and taking part in the trial.