Ryan – Interview 47

Ryan is taking part in a randomised placebo controlled drugs trial. Ryan was happy to take part and help other children in the future, and to help improve his own health.

Ryan is aged 12, lives with his parents and brother and attends a local school. He likes to play football although he now has to be a little more careful due to this arthritis. He was diagnosed with polyarthritis at the age of eight. Ryan is taking part in a randomised placebo controlled drugs trial. The trial is also double-blind which means Ryan and the doctors and health professionals involved in his care do not know what group Ryan is in. He was keen to take part because the medication he was taking, methotrexate, was making him feel quite poorly. He also didn’t like having weekly injections in his legs as they were quite painful and left bruises on his legs.

Ryan received information about the trial and everything was explained to him and his mum. However, at the time he found it all quite overwhelming and there were many words he didn’t understand. The doctors and nurses at the hospital explained things more simply to Ryan to ensure he understood what was involved in the trial and what would happen to him. He felt a little more reassured after this. They didn’t make the decision straight away; Ryan and his mum took the information home and had time to think about it and ensure it was the best thing to do. They did agree to take part and Ryan had to sign an assent form and his mum signed a consent form.

Ryan is pleased to be taking part as he now has a drip to receive the medication and he prefers this to injections. Even though Ryan doesn’t know if he is receiving the trial drug or the placebo he is still happy to take part.

Ryan talks about what is involved and about his experience of being in the trial. He isn’t sure if he would take part in another trial in the future because he wants to see how this trial goes first. He would like to know other young people who are in the trial to share experiences and learn what other young people feel about taking part.

To improve his experience, Ryan says the initial information would be better if it were less wordy and easier to understand. However, he says it is good to take part in the trial to help other children in the future.

Sharing experiences of being in a trial Ryan feels may help to reassure other young people who…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

Ryan feels that trial information can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Using bullet…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

Ryan prefers to attend the day ward to receive the trial drug; even though he has to wait for the…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

Ryan feels that trial information can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Using bullet…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

Ryan was too shy to ask the doctors and nurses questions because he didnt know them.

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

In addition to blood tests Ryan had to be up-date with all the childhood vaccinations before…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

In the second stage of the trial, Ryan was allocated to a treatment comparison group and neither…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8

Ryan says a clinical trial is different to the usual treatment. In a trial the researchers invite…

Age at interview 12

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 8