Gender: Genderqueer trans woman
Pronouns: they/them or she / her
Rosa first came out in her mid-teens and is a genderqueer trans woman. Coming out as trans was a gradual process which began by telling a few friends at an LGBT group and asking them to use different pronouns for her and deciding on a new name. She found it exhausting and very difficult coming out to people every time.
Learning about trans identities at an LGBT group and meeting other trans people helped Rosa come out as trans. She had previously thought taking hormones and having surgery was a necessary part of being trans but seeing the different ways people can experience trans without having medical interventions opened up possibilities for her. The group was an understanding space where she could talk to friends about her confusion around what specific way she identified.
Initially Rosa wanted to pass but now she doesn’t feel a need to try and fit with feminine norms that much. Wearing dresses and skirts are uncomfortable because they don’t fit her body shape and she doesn’t like the feel of make-up on her face. She says I don’t react to pressures to behave in a more conventionally feminine way if that would make me uncomfortable
After a long wait she went through the GIDS assessment process which was an unpleasant process for her. She didn’t feel listened to, she felt interrogated and uncomfortable with the questioning she experienced and felt it was a lengthy gate keeping process based on a set of criteria around what they thought gender should be like.