Robert – Interview 06
At the time of his interview Robert had recently lost his wife and was still trying to cope with the aftermath of her illness and his subsequent bereavement. Robert has found that he wakes up quite a lot in the night and hopes that, with time, his sleep pattern will settle back into the routine he had before his wife was ill.
Robert likes to keep very active and enjoys engineering problems and making things. He has recently started to cycle again.
Robert has found that since his wife died he has struggled to get his sleep back into a reasonable pattern and finds that he wakes up in the night, and doesn’t sleep very deeply. Whilst his wife was ill he cared for her at home, which meant he had to get up several times in the night to look after her. Having such broken sleep during thenight meant that he often found himself dozing during the day. Robert now finds that if he falls asleep during the day, which he does often, he will sleep very deeply and not remember any of his dreams.
Robert is experimenting with his sleep currently to see if he can find a way to sleep through the night. He has tried going to bed later, and going to bed earlier, but as yet this isn’t working. He does find if he wakes up at 4 am in the morning that he finds it very difficult to get back to sleep, especially if he puts the radio on and starts listening to something interesting.
Robert feels it is important to go to the doctor for sleep problems, largely because he has other health problems and wouldn’t want to risk taking something from the chemist that might interfere with his other medications.
Most of all Robert likes to go to bed and think about all the things he would like to make and do and he finds this helps him sleep. He also likes to take a few minutes in the morning doing the same thing when he wakes up. But when he gets up Robert likes to get on with things straight away.