
Robert developed hypertension in his late 40s. He was referred for a kidney scan, learned that his kidney function was mildly impaired and was put on medication to control his blood pressure. He feels mostly well now, keeps active and eats a healthy diet.

Robert was working as a bakery shift engineer at a large industrial bakery in an often pressurised work environment when, in his late 40s, he developed severe high blood pressure. His GP prescribed medication and also referred him to the renal unit of the local hospital for a kidney scan. At the hospital, he was told that his kidneys had become 15 percent inefficient but that there was no immediate cause for concern as long as he could get his blood pressure under control. He was briefly put on beta-blockers, which made him feel like a zombie, but eventually was prescribed amlodipine, which did not give him any unpleasant side effects. Amlodipine helped to stabilise his blood pressure and he has been taking it ever since. For the first few months after his kidney scan, Robert attended monthly check-ups for his kidney function at the hospital, but as he had to take off time from work to attend these appointments, he eventually asked to be monitored in primary care and be referred back to his GP instead.

About 6 years ago, shortly before his retirement, Robert developed wet macular degeneration in his left eye. Eventually, his vision became impaired to a degree where he would frequently injure himself at work when using tools, so he was signed off from work 8 months before reaching retirement age. More recently, he has taken part in a clinical trial of repeated injections into the eyeball to treat macular degeneration. He thinks that he has regained some of his sight thanks to the treatment. However, his right eye has now started to be affected, so he will still need to continue the treatment. He takes ibuprofen to cope with the pain following the injections. A few months ago, Robert developed gout in his foot, which was very painful initially. His doctor advised that he could use ibuprofen for this as well and he has found that it has helped to make the swelling go down and he has regained mobility.

Robert has a good and longstanding relationship with his GP and is confident that the GP will tell him all he needs to know about his kidneys. He attends annual reviews for his hypertension and as part of this also has blood tests and kidney tests to check his kidney function, but he is not overly concerned about finding out more details as long as the results are in an acceptable range. He owns a blood pressure monitor and uses it occasionally on days when he feels a bit off, to help him decide whether he needs to see a doctor. He thinks attending regular check-ups is helpful for providing reassurance, but overall he feels well for his age and does not want to take up healthcare resources which other people might need much more than him.

Robert lives together with his wife of 50 years at a retirement flat and keeps active with cycling, gardening and going for walks. He has a keen interest in local history. He has internet access at home and uses the web for general interest topics, but feels wary of using it and no need to use it – as a source of health information. His wife ensures that he eats a healthy diet with lots of vegetables, though he does like the odd sprinkle of salt on his chips now and then.

Robert has a great deal of trust and respect for health professionals but thinks it is important for them to keep up to date with research so they know about latest developments and treatment options. He would also encourage other patients to take part in medical research to help advance scientific knowledge.

Robert was alarmed at first that his doctor wanted a scan of his kidneys but was later reassured. He found having the scan itself interesting.

Age at interview 70

Gender Male

Robert had tests at the renal clinic every month for about five months before it was decided in discussion with the specialist that he could be monitored by his GP instead.

Age at interview 70

Gender Male