
Raiche was 18 months old when she was in a house fire and sustained burns to 70% of her body.

As a Black woman with burns, Raiche is passionate about diverse representation of different people in the media and uses her social media platform to further this.

Age at interview 28

Raiche’s friends helped her to adopt a more positive mindset and enjoy being a teenager more.

Age at interview 28

Raiche said that everyone at the burns camps, regardless of other differences, “clicked” because they had their scars in common.

Age at interview 28

Raiche had a supportive primary school teacher who helped her with her handwriting which she struggled with due to the burn on her hand.

Age at interview 28

Raiche felt like bullying at school “held her back”.

Age at interview 28

Raiche said it was a journey to accepting how she looks, but now she has learnt to love herself.

Age at interview 28

Raiche was held back a year at school to help her catch up.

Age at interview 28

Raiche said she has become “attached” to her scars and doesn’t even notice some of them anymore.

Age at interview 28

Raiche told us that her approach to people staring or asking questions is to think positively and assume they are appreciating her make-up, outfit, or hairstyle.

Age at interview 28

Once in a relationship, Raiche said there was a “process that I had to learn to do” in terms of being more emotional and affectionate.

Age at interview 28

Raiche said that having burns means it takes longer to get ready in the morning.

Age at interview 28

Raiche found that her balance was affected because she is missing one ear and the toes on one foot. She also found it difficult finding suitable shoes.

Age at interview 28

Raiche was 18 months old when she was burnt in a house fire.

Age at interview 28

Raiche told us about her experience having flap surgery and a fat transplant to help manage her burns.

Age at interview 28