Patricia – Interview 43

Patricia had bleeding from her nipple, which was harmless, and a cyst. She always attends for screening and wants to continue after age seventy.

Patricia had her first mammogram around 1986 because she’d had bleeding from her left nipple. She was frightened because she’d heard that breast changes can be a symptom of breast cancer. The results were normal and she had no other breast concerns.

Since the age of fifty, Patricia has had routine mammograms on the NHS Breast Screening Programme. After one of these appointments she was recalled because the x-ray detected a lump. Patricia was shocked because she hadn’t felt anything. She saw a consultant privately and was told that the lump was actually a cyst and had started dispersing by itself.

Patricia attends for breast screening every three years. She finds mammograms uncomfortable for a very short time. She had her last mammogram in 2007 and was awaiting the results. She feels that it is important to attend for screening and has known friends and family who have had cancer. She is pleased women over seventy can continue being screened on the NHS Breast Screening Programme and wants to continue having mammograms after the age of seventy.

After a routine mammogram, Patricia was referred to a breast clinic because a cyst was found. It…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female

Patricia said the mobile units she’s been to are smaller than the hospital units. The atmosphere…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female

At one of her appointments, Patricia asked the radiographer about the radiation risks with…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female

Patricia wants to continue having routine mammograms after she’s 70 because many people in their…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female

Before she was eligible for routine screening mammograms, Patricia had bleeding from her nipple…

Age at interview 64

Gender Female