Mike – Interview 12
Mike works part-time as a test centre administrator. He has noticed a change in his sleep as he has got older, noticeably that he has periods of deeper sleep, but he doesn’t believe he sleeps any longer than he used to. Mike noticed his sleep changed when he first had children, and finds that pattern has continued.
Mike has five children, and three of them currently live with him and his wife. Mike first noticed his sleep change when he had children, finding that his sleep was much lighter as he would be listening for them in the night. He thinks this type of sleep has continued and he still sleeps quite lightly.
Mike feels his sleep is more disturbed now, and sometimes he will be awake several times in the night. On these occasions he won’t get up, but would rather lay in bed resting until he can fall asleep again. Mike often finds himself worrying about things in the night and this may be keeping him awake. He often wakes at about 5 or 6 am in the morning, and may doze on and off until he gets up. Mike finds he doesn’t need an alarm at all in the morning, even if he has to get up to go to work, he finds he will always wake up before he needs to.
Mike doesn’t sleep during the day, and will resist doing so because he thinks it is a waste of time. Only very rarely will he fall asleep watching a television programme and finds that frustrating.
Overall, although Mike doesn’t sleep that well, he doesn’t worry about it because he can still do what he needs to do during the day and for him, disturbed sleep has become normal.