
Megan caught Covid in July 2021. After coming out of self-isolation, Megan felt fine for about a week, but then says she “…just sort of deteriorated.” Since having Covid, she’s experienced problems with her taste, smell and mental health. Megan was interviewed in November 2021.

Megan caught Covid in July 2021 at a large birthday party. At the time she says she didn’t feel particularly unwell with it. After coming out of self-isolation, Megan felt fine for about a week, but then says she “…just sort of deteriorated.” Initially she noticed a change in her sense of smell which she finds difficult to explain other than it being an “awful horrendous smell” which has since developed into not being able to smell very much at all. She also noticed that her mental health deteriorated significantly around this time. Megan has more recently noticed changes in her sense of taste.

Megan describes never having struggled with her mental health before contracting Covid, and so found the onset of her symptoms to be “very weird.” Megan says she felt sad, very tearful and “…just wanted to be at home.” Around this time, she found doing her job difficult, and suffered a panic attack.

Megan went to her GP who gave her a number to call to discuss her depression and anxiety. She says didn’t find this very helpful as she couldn’t explain to them why she was feeling the way she was “I sort of went through my life and they were like, ‘So, why are you like this? I was like…I don’t know.”

Megan’s symptoms put a strain on her relationship with her parents. Although she found them to be very supportive, Megan found it quite hard to communicate how she was feeling with them at the time and she tended just to say them “…everything’s fine.”

Megan says she’s taking things “day by day” and fortunately says her symptoms are now improving – “Definitely feel more like myself.”

Megan, a young person in her mid-20s with Long Covid, felt uncomfortable telling her co-workers why she was taking time off.

Megan found it too hard to explain how she felt to her GP or psychiatrist.

Megan now only experiences ‘horrendous smells’.