
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White British
Background: Matt is 58 years old and is White British. He is retired and lives with his wife. Matt thinks he was infected with Covid after attending a football match. While he was sick, he felt very fatigued and didn’t want to do anything other than curl up into a bal. Matt fully recovered from Covid after ten days.

Matt was planning to retire when the pandemic started. He wanted to go traveling and see relatives overseas. However, these plans were ruined, which was a bit of a disappointment.

Matt also experienced the death of his mother during the pandemic. Although it is unconfirmed, he is pretty confident that she died of Covid. He says this because she was experiencing classic Covid symptoms like flooding of the lungs. Matt also says that the people who had been around his mother had also died to Covid at a similar time.

Matt got Covid himself in August 2021. He thinks he caught it after attending a football match. He explains that several people were singing, and because his team won many people got jubilant.

When Matt first caught Covid he felt strange and like something was not right. He experienced excessive fatigue where the only option really was to curl up in a ball. About seven days after the football match, Matt received a positive lateral flow test. After the positive test, Matt went to a PCR testing centre with his wife, where they both tested positive for Covid. They were both quite unwell and would only get out of bed to make a cup of tea or go to the bathroom. After ten days, Matt and his wife both felt pretty buoyant, healthy, and recovered.

Matt preferred to get advice about Covid from a helpline, because the information on NHS websites was too generic.

Age at interview 58

Matt caught Covid in August 2021. He felt ropey for a while was very grateful to have had the vaccine.

Age at interview 58

Matt and his partner took it in turns to care for each other and do household tasks while they were both ill.

Age at interview 58

Matt did a lateral flow test at home before seeing friends and family who were particularly vulnerable.

Age at interview 58

Matt was backtracking through all the people he had seen recently, hoping he hadn’t infected anyone.

Age at interview 58

Matt got a positive result on a lateral flow but his wife’s test was negative. They both tested positive on a PCR the next day.

Age at interview 58

Matt didn’t think of Covid at all until his extreme tiredness didn’t improve after a few days.

Age at interview 58

Matt talks about how regular zoom calls in his family provided valuable support to older people.

Age at interview 58

Matt described feeling unsettled realising that the virus could affect anyone.

Age at interview 58

Matt found that there are lots of different perspectives on what was ‘true’ about Covid.

Age at interview 58