
Mark and his wife (Jo – Interview21) were expecting their first child. Three weeks before her due date his wife started to bleed and they called an ambulance. Jo had a placental abruption. On arrival at hospital she had an emergency caesarian to deliver their son.

As this was his first child, Mark had no expectations of what labour and childbirth would be like. He and his wife (Jo – Interview21) had been to antenatal classes. When his wife started to bleed and told him to call the ambulance he followed her lead. She had started bleeding one Saturday morning three weeks before her due date. Once the ambulance arrived he followed on in the car. He remembered everything was relatively calm until they got his wife out of the ambulance and crash teams were called. He receded into the background as the emergency staff surrounded his wife to deliver the baby as soon as possible. They were later told his wife had had a placental abruption that they think was caused by rapid onset pre-eclampsia, although they were never definitively sure.

Mark described how the crash team swung into action as soon as the ambulance arrived at the…

Age at interview 41

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 37

Mark feels he is a pretty strong guy’, but that other men could have been very affected by…

Age at interview 41

Gender Male

Age at diagnosis 37