Loz – Interview 01
Loz is 17 and lives at home with his family. He’s experienced depression and anxiety since he had an accident and ended up in a wheelchair at the age of 14. Over the years, having a great counsellor and close support from his family has helped him the most. (White British)
Loz is 17 and has experienced depression and anxiety for a few years. When he was 14, he injured his coccyx badly when playing badminton. For the following months, he was constantly in and out of hospital, missing out on school, and had very bad experiences at the hospital. Things deteriorated gradually, the pain got worse, he lost weight and the muscles in his legs weakened. Eventually Loz couldn’t walk anymore and had to go in a wheelchair. Around this time he started feeling depressed – none of his friends would come to visit him in the hospital and he says he felt extremely lonely and rejected by everyone except for his family. He also had bad experiences with hospital staff and was told he was just faking it all to get attention.
Loz missed out 18 months of school. Spending so much time in hospital made him feel lonely, different to his mates and miss out on just being a teenager. He was having suicidal thoughts and self-harming. Loz says he has a tendency to put himself dow and often feels like he’s a burden on other people. Loz hates asking for help or relying on other people. He doesn’t want to be stuck in his bloody wheelchai and would burn it if he could. He can also get anxious about many things, going over in his head all the possible scenarios that could go wrong.
Since being transferred to a different hospital and seeing another counsellor for the past year, things have improved a lot for Loz. He’s counsellor is a great gu and it’s been really helpful to talk through his feelings at counselling. He says, There’s still the edge but I know now how to deal with i. Loz is also really close to his parents with whom he can talk about most things and who;ve been really supportive.
Loz loves art, drawing, music, playing the drums and playing computer games. Deadpan humour and having a laugh about the tough things help him a lot too. Now he has a close group of friends with whom he goes to the pub or plays pool with. Loz lives at home with his parents and two sisters but is just about to move out to start an animation course at university. He says he’s feeling anxious about the big changes but says it will give him so many new opportunities. Loz wants to make something big out of his experiences of disability and depression and says, Being through all this shit I just wanna see it ‘s all worth it on the other side